Des Moines – The Natural Resource Commission (NRC) of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will hold its monthly meeting on March 13, beginning at 9:30 a.m., in the Walnut Woods Conference Room, 6200 Park Avenue, in Des Moines. The meeting is open to the public.
The public may also participate remotely either by video conference at or phone by dialing 442-242-3609 a few minutes before the meeting begins. When prompted, enter the pin ‪883 789 392 followed by the # key.
Members of the NRC are Marcus Branstad, Tom Prickett, Laura Foell, Uriah Hansen, Tammi Kircher, KR Buck, and Laura Kudej. The director of the DNR is Kayla Lyon.
Any person participating in the public meeting and has special requirements such as those related to mobility or hearing impairments should contact the DNR or ADA Coordinator at 515-725-8200, Relay Iowa TTY Service 800-735-7942, or, and advise of specific needs.
The following is the agenda for the March 13 meeting.
- Approval of Agenda
- Consent Agenda (*within agenda indicates proposed consent agenda item)
- *Contract Amendment with City Industries, Inc.-Printing and Distribution of the Iowa Hunting, Trapping, and Migratory Game Bird Regulations
- *Contract with JEO Consulting Group, LLC-Funnel Trap Placement, Forestry
- *Contract with Waste connections of Iowa Inc-Waste Management Services for Gull Point State Park Complex
- *Contract Amendment with People Service, Inc-Drinking Water Operations Assistance at Lewis and Clark State Park and Wilson Island State Recreation Area
- *Contract with Confluence-Water Trail Planning Services
- Approval of Minutes
- Director’s Remarks
- Donations
- Brass Bluegill Award Presentation
- *Contract Amendment with City Industries, Inc.-Printing and Distribution of the Iowa Hunting, Trapping, and Migratory Game Bird Regulations
- Chapter 33, Resource Enhancement and Protection Program; County, City, Private Open Spaces and Conservation Education Grant Programs-Notice of Intended Action
- Contract with Wildlife Management Institute-Assistant Range Manager, Banner Shooting Range and Butch Olofson Shooting Range
- *Contract with JEO Consulting Group, LLC-Funnel Trap Placement, Forestry
- *Contract with Waste connections of Iowa Inc-Waste Management Services for Gull Point State Park Complex
- *Contract Amendment with People Service, Inc-Drinking Water Operations Assistance at Lewis and Clark State Park and Wilson Island State Recreation Area
- Small Construction Projects: Road Improvements-Hawthorn Lake WMA; Erosion Repair-Grand River Wildlife Unit; CMP Structure Removal and Replacement-Four Mile Lake WPA
- Large Construction Projects
- Nishnabotna Wildlife Unit, Flood Damage Repairs Phase 2
- Nishnabotna Wildlife Unit, Flood Damage Repairs Phase 3
- Brushy Creek State Recreation Area, Campground Renovation
- Lake Anita, Prairie Rose, and Viking Lake State Parks, Sign Replacements
- Fairport Fish Hatchery Roof Replacements
- Shimek State Forest, Pavement Maintenance
- Nishnabotna Wildlife Management Unit, Road Maintenance
- Contract with Stantec Consulting Services-Cedar River Project at Palisades-Kepler State Park
- Contract with Shive-Hattery-Plan and Design of Wastewater Treatment Facilities
- *Contract with Confluence-Water Trail Planning Services
- Contract with the Poweshiek County Conservation Board-Diamond Lake State Park
- General Discussion
Next meeting, April 8, in Storm Lake.
For a complete agenda and tour schedule, go to