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Comprehensive Planning

Iowa cities and counties are to develop a comprehensive solid waste reduction program in collaboration with landfills and other waste facilities that serve their area. Programs and strategies are to be detailed in a comprehensive plan. Cities and counties may develop plans individually or jointly and are referred to as planning areas.

Every five years each planning area is to engage stakeholders and submit a plan update for DNR approval. Plans are to evaluate current waste management practices and efforts to meet waste reduction goals.

As an alternative to the Solid Waste Comprehensive Plan program, designated solid waste planning areas or service areas may voluntarily participate in the Iowa Solid Waste Environmental Management System (EMS) program.

A Solid Waste Comprehensive Plan or EMS Annual Report must be approved for solid waste facilities serving the planning area to obtain permit renewals.

DNR assistance is available to cities and counties regarding their waste management and waste reduction goals. 

Comprehensive Planning Area Map

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Planning Area Resources

Plan Update Assistance

Other Resources

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Waste Flow & Fee Information

Waste destined for disposal in an Iowa municipal solid waste landfill is to be received by a permitted facility within the planning area in which it was generated. Permitted facilities are not to accept Iowa-generated waste from outside their own planning area. Exceptions to waste flow control may be approved when the facility serving the area where the waste was generated releases the waste and arranges for its acceptance at a facility in another Iowa planning area.

A fee is collected for each ton of municipal solid waste that is landfilled in Iowa. The amount is based on the calculated diversion rate for the planning area as outlined in Iowa Administrative Rule Chapter 567-101.7. A portion of the fees are to be locally retained for comprehensive planning, plan implementation and environmental protection activities.

Waste Flow & Fee Information Links


Waste Flow Topics

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