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Lead & Copper Rule Revisions

EPA published the final LCRR in the Federal Register on January 15, 2021. The final rule includes several new provisions and changes to the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR), including requiring water systems to identify and make public the locations of lead, non-lead, and unknown service lines through a lead service line inventory.

On March 12, 2021, EPA published a notice that impacts implementation for the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR). The notice proposed to delay the effective date of the LCRR until December 16, 2021, and proposed to delay the compliance date to October 16, 2024.

EPA also announced that the LCRR will go into effect to support near-term development of actions to reduce lead in drinking water, such as the development of lead service line inventories by public water supply systems. 

Concurrently, the EPA has developed rulemaking to strengthen key elements of the LCRR. EPA published the proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) in the Federal Register on December 06, 2023. The agency anticipates finalizing the forthcoming LCRI prior to October 16, 2024, the current compliance date for the LCRR. 

Fact sheets from EPA is available regarding next steps for the Lead and Copper Rule and LCRR Implementation.

This information is current as of August 2024.

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Lead Service Line Inventory Resources for Public Water Supply Systems

List items for Lead Service Line Inventory Resources for Public Water Supply Systems

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External Resources

There are additional resources about lead that can educate public water supply systems and the public on steps that can be taken. Some of these resources are shared here.

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