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Instructions for Hazardous Waste Fee Collection Form

Section 455B.424 of the Iowa Code requires small and large quantity generators and anyone that treats, stores, disposes of or transports hazardous waste in Iowa to complete the enclosed Hazardous Waste Fee Form and pay the appropriate fee. A facility would receive this form because the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates the facility under the Hazardous Waste Management section of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).

Fees entered on the form are based on data provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). To update contact information updates, make address corrections, or generator status changes, please complete the Notification of RCRA Subtitle C Activity (EPA Form 8700-12) and mail to EPA Region 7.

Fees are due if the facility operated for any portion of the previous calendar year. The form must be completed, signed, and returned with any fee due by April 15 of each year. A 15% penalty will apply to all fees received after the April 15 deadline.

To pay via credit card (Visa, Mastercard or Discover), please email the completed form to to coordinate the credit card payment with the facility.  Please DO NOT include the credit card information in the email.

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Hazardous Waste Fee Collection Forms

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Additional Resources

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Hazardous Waste Manifest System

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revised the Hazardous Waste Manifest Form used to track hazardous waste from the site of generation to the site of disposal. Waste handlers may obtain new manifest forms from any source that is registered with EPA for print and distribution. Please note the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest Forms must be used and copies of your Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest are not required to be submitted to the State of Iowa.

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Hazardous Waste Generator Fee

Definition of Hazardous Waste Generator: A generator is a person and or business/corporate entity whose actions or processes produce hazardous waste identified or listed in 40 CFR Part 261. This section is for those facilities who have been determined by EPA to be a generator of hazardous waste.  

Every site that generates hazardous waste is required to have an EPA ID number. If a generator stores hazardous waste on site for more than 90 days, they become an “operator” of a hazardous waste storage facility (see Section 2 below).  The hazardous waste generator fees are broken down into three categories listed below. 

  • Small Quantity Generators - $25.00  (facilities generating between 220 and 2200 pounds in any calendar month)
  • Large Quantity Generators - $250.00  (facilities generating greater than 2200 pounds in any calendar month)
  • Very Small Quantity Generators - not required to report activities or pay a generator fee (facilities generating less than 220 pounds in all months in a calendar year).

In Section one (fields 1a, 1b, and 1c), the tonnage fees are assessed and determined by the amount of the hazardous waste that was generated. If no tonnage fees are recorded in fields 1a, 1b, or 1c, you must identify have the qualifying exemption(s) marked in Section 4 to have those tonnage fees waived for the facility.

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Generator Tonnage Fee Exemptions

There is no exemption for the base generator fee.  The exemptions only apply to the additional tonnage fee amounts in fields 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b or 2c in Sections 1 and 2 on the Hazardous Waste Activities Form.

IAC Chapter 567—149.3(1)(455B) contains a list of exemptions that apply to hazardous waste tonnage fees. Click on the link to see if your facility qualifies for an exemption from the payment of hazardous fees for generating, transporting, treatment and disposal of hazardous waste.

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