Construction Requirements

Confinement feeding operations that plan to build, modify or expand must meet state requirements for the new construction. It is important to determine as early as possible, at least 120 days before you plan to begin construction, what size the proposed operation will be and the type of manure storage that will be used. Once size and type of storage are known, you can determine which state requirements must be met.

Iowa’s open feedlots are places where animals are kept in unroofed or partially roofed areas. To be considered an open feedlot, animals are fed and maintained in pens for at least 45 days in a one-year period. Unlike animals on pasture, manure from the animals is concentrated and the ground is bare of vegetation.

List items for AFO Construction Requirements

Concrete Construction

For tips on proper concrete construction, check out our Concrete Training Presentation.

Types of Confinement Feeding Operations

Based on size and storage type, there are three basic categories of confinement feeding operations:

  1. Permitted - A construction permit is required prior to building, modifying or expanding operations that use unformed storage regardless of size. A construction permit is also required prior to building, modifying or expanding an operation that uses formed storage if the final animal unit capacity will be 1,000 animal units or more. See pre-construction requirements and design standards.
  2. Non-permitted - Formed Manure Storage - A construction permit is not required for building, modifying or expanding a confinement feeding operation with a proposed animal unit capacity greater than 500 but less than 1,000 animal units that uses formed storage. However, pre-construction requirements and design standards must be met before construction begins. See pre-construction requirements.
  3. Small - Formed Manure Storage - Neither a construction permit nor a manure management plan are required for small operations (SAFO), 500 or less animal units, that use formed manure storage, but separation distance requirements apply. See pre-construction requirements.

Open Lot Feeding Operations

Minimum Requirements: Open feedlot producers are required to manage manure, process wastewater, settleable solids and effluent from the feedlot accordingly.

Additional Construction Information

List items for AFO Additional Construction Info

Caution: This web page summarizes Iowa laws, including the DNR's administrative rules. While every effort is made to keep this page current and accurate, there are frequent changes to the laws governing animal feeding operations; the law will prevail in the event of a conflict between this web page and the law. We encourage users to consult Iowa Code Chapter 459 and 567 Iowa Administrative Code chapter 65 for current statutory provisions and administrative rules.