DNR's Role in Disaster Response & Recovery

The DNR provides expertise, resources and assistance during natural disasters that impact Iowa, such as floods and tornadoes. This page provides links for important information related to Iowa disaster response.

DNR's focus is to protect Iowa's natural resources - clean air, land and water and a diverse wildlife and natural environment. Following a disaster the DNR will work with the local community and other partner agencies to begin clean-up. If a community's water or waste water infrastructure is damaged, the DNR will work with them to determine the impact, plan for immediate community needs, and plan to repair or rebuild infrastructure. Debris collection sites, tree and brush burn sites and solid waste collection sites will be established with DNR assistance.

Are you prepared for the tornadoes and flooding spring and summer often brings? Each of the tabs below have information on preparing for, responding to, and recovery from common Iowa weather.

The best way to respond to a disaster is to prepare for it.

General Information

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (Iowa DNR) partners with  federal, state and local agencies to assist animal feeding operations, drinking water and wastewater facilities, solid waste facilities and our industrial partners.

State Agency Partners

Federal Agency Partners

Specific & Natural Disaster Resources

List items for Disaster Resources