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Iowans generate 2.8 million tons of solid waste per year. Properly managing those waste streams is critical to protecting Iowa's land, water and air resources.
To ensure environmental protection occurs, the DNR regulates solid waste facilities such as landfills, which are usually managed by cities and counties. As part of reporting requirements, local governments must establish comprehensive plans that outline their solid waste management system, provide alternatives such as recycling and composting, and set waste reduction goals.
This page provides resources for Iowa's solid waste facilities to achieve their planning and permitting requirements.
Back to topPrograms & Services
- Final Disposal -- The Solid Waste Section engineers work with operating and closed sanitary landfills. Protection of groundwater is enhanced by the oversight of siting, design, operating, monitoring, corrective action, reporting, record-keeping, closure and post-closure requirements at landfills. If waste requires special handling, a special waste authorization may be obtained from the DNR’s Solid Waste Section to ensure the material is disposed of properly
- Facilitate Final Disposal (non-landfill) -- Facilities that are not a final disposal facility, but have involvement in the transfer, processing or reuse of a discarded material must comply with the DNR rules. These rules ensure proper handling and storage of materials before reaching their final destination for disposal and/or recycling.
- Inspections -- The Field Services and Compliance Bureau includes six field offices throughout the state. They serve as the local representatives of the Solid Waste Section, and their primary task is helping industry and the public understand solid waste and other environmental services programs.
- Solid Waste Database -- The solid waste database tracks permit amendments, renewals and report submittals for solid waste facilities. The database also maintains basic facility information such as permit numbers, facility contacts, project locations and permit expiration dates.
Solid waste handling and disposal facilities include:
- Landfills
- Transfer stations
- Appliance and electronics demanufacturers
- Composting
- Household hazardous waste and regional collection centers
- Incinerators
- Land application
- Petroleum contaminated soil landfarms
- Waste processing and material recovery
- Tire processing and hauling
Solid Waste Permitting Web Application
Solid Waste Permitting Web Application tracks permit amendments, renewals and report submittals for solid waste facilities. The application also contains basic facility information such as permit numbers, facility contacts, project locations and permit expiration dates.
All incoming and outgoing documents are converted to an electronic format and are available for public viewing using the Electronic Document Retrieval Report.
- Quarterly Solid Waste Fee Schedule & Retained Fees Report (now online) (542-3276)
- Tonnage Fee Distribution Fact Sheet
- Solid Waste Database Guidance
Tonnage Reports
The Iowa DNR collets data and resources related to solid waste in Iowa. Information available includes landfilled tonnages, and waste composition data.
Beginning with Fiscal Year 2016 tonnage fee data can now be found online via the Solid Waste Database Tonnage Report Data.
For more information contact Becky Jolly at 515-249-1482.
Back to topAdditional Resources
- Comprehensive Planning - Iowa law requires cities and counties to develop a comprehensive solid waste reduction program in collaboration with the landfill(s) or other waste facility(s) that serves their area.
- State Revolving Fund - Offers low-interest loans for landfill closure projects. May allow use of closure account funds for other closure-related projects such as transfer stations or recycling centers.
- Solid Waste Staff Roster - Meet the team and contact a member of our staff.
Solid Waste Fact Sheets
Back to topPublic Notices, Drafts, & Meetings
In the development of Municipal Solid Waste Sanitary Landfill Permitting, public input is an important part of the process. Local citizens and stakeholders can provide information or submit questions or concerns. This process assists the DNR in developing thorough and accurate plans.
Documents Open for Public Comment
77-SDP-01-72-10 Metro Waste Authority
- Public Notice Date: 3/5/2025
- Expires: 4/3/2025
65-SDP-01-72-14 Loess Hills Regional Sanitary Landfill
- Public Notice Date: 2/19/2025
- Expires: 3/30/2025
64-SDP-02-74-8 Solid Waste Management Commission of Marshall County
- Public Notice Date: 2/18/2025
- Expires: 3/19/2025
Active Landfills & Transfer Stations
Active Landfills & Transfer Stations Map Experience
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