UST System Installation
The Iowa UST Certified Installer and the owner/operator must notify the Iowa DNR of their intent to install an underground storage tank or product piping at least 30 days prior to installation. This notification requirement applies to all USTs that will contain a petroleum or hazardous substance. Contact the local Fire Department to ensure all the necessary local requirements and permits are met. All UST systems must meet the technical requirement of Iowa Administrative Code 567-Chapter 135.
After installation of the UST system, you have 30 days to submit a registration form to the DNR along with appropriate fees. The DNR considers installation complete once the final 3rd party installation inspection has been completed. It is the owner’s responsibility to make sure the registration form and required attachments are submitted with the fees.
A copy of the registration form can be obtained from the DNR UST section or the DNR's website. There is a one-time registration fee of $10 plus an annual $65 tank management fee due per tank compartment for tanks over 1,100 gallons. There is an additional $250 fee per tank compartment for failing to register within the 30 days after installation is complete.
What needs to be submitted to the department:
The following documents are required to be submitted to the Department (the tank owner/operator should maintain a copy of all submitted documents):
- Notification of Intent to Install form - 30 days prior to installation
- Form #148 with attachments - 30 days after the final 3rd Party Installation Inspection has been completed
- Payment of $10 Registration Fee and $65 Tank Management Fee per tank compartment
- Detailed site diagram (tank layout, piping runs, street references, and dispensers numbered)
- UST System Tightness Test Results - confirms UST system is tight with no damage incurred during shipping or installation
- Copy of Class A/B operator training certification
- Third Party Installation Inspection Checklist—submitted by the installation inspector within 14 days after the final inspection
- Signed and dated by both the certified installer and owner
- Additional documents required if applicable
- NESHAP (Air Quality) requirements
- UST System Checklist for Equipment Compatibility - Required for tanks/equipment containing a biofuel greater than 10% Ethanol
- Certification of Financial Responsibility - must be submitted before USTs are allowed to operate
Proof of financial responsibility to address environmental contamination and third-party liability resulting from the operation of the tank system is also required. This is usually in the form of a pollution liability insurance certificate.
UST Closures
Closure forms can be found on the UST Forms page, and more information can be found in the UST Closure Guide.
Permanent Closures
Underground Storage Tank removals are hazardous undertakings involving flammable and combustible liquids, excavations and confined space. Worker safety and public safety are vital. Out-of-service UST systems can also cause harm to the environment and must be properly closed. For these reasons, closure activity must be conducted by an Iowa Certified UST remover and a closure assessment must be conducted or supervised by a Certified Groundwater Professional according to Iowa Administrative Code 567—134.28. The UST system owner is responsible for contacting the qualified individuals to complete UST closure. A list of Certified Groundwater Professionals and Certified UST Removers is provided on the Iowa UST Certified Professionals page.
The Certified UST Remover must notify the DNR UST Section at least 30 days before removal, fill-in-place or change-in-service by completing the Notification of Closure form. A Certified Remover must be on site for all regulated UST system closures.
After receiving the completed Notification of Closure form, the UST Section will send a letter to the owner and remover acknowledging the closure date. Removers must notify the DNR Field Office in the region where the closure is taking place (see DNR Closure Guidance) at least one working day prior to closure. Make sure the local fire department is notified for permitting and other requirements before implementing any closure activity.
Workers must not enter a tank pit excavation to obtain samples unless the proper shoring or sloping is in place. Evidence of contamination must be reported within 24 hours or 6 hours if a hazardous condition exists.
The Iowa Certified UST Remover is responsible for submitting the UST closure report form within 45 days of closure.
Temporary Closure
Owners/operators of UST systems must submit notification for temporary closure. If you decide temporary closure is appropriate for your tanks, the following requirements must be met:
- The underground storage tank may be filled with a non-corrosive, non-hazardous liquid if there are concerns about hydraulic pressure exerted on the tank.
- Except for required venting, all fill and access locations and piping must be sealed using locking caps or concrete plugs.
- Power service must be disconnected from all pumps associated with the use of the UST, unless the power services some other equipment which is not being closed.
- Compliance inspections must be completed to ensure temporary closure requirements continue to be met.
- Pollution liability insurance must be maintained. If insurance cannot be maintained, a site check is required of the facility before the owner's eligibility to file a claim expires.
At the end of the 12-month temporary closure period, the UST must be returned to service, permanently closed or an extension of temporary closure filed. All compliance and testing requirements will be enforced prior to completion of temporary closure.
Abandonment In-Place
The last option for decommissioning is abandonment in-place. This is relatively rare and allowed when the removal of the tank may cause damage to existing structures. Please contact an Iowa Certified UST Remover for questions regarding tank or piping abandonment. When considering abandonment in-place, keep in mind that when the property is sold, the owner will still have a buried UST or solid waste underground. Property is easier to sell when the UST system is removed and everything is documented.
Sampling & Reporting
Part of the requirements for closure of a UST is that the owner must demonstrate to the satisfaction of DNR that no release has occurred. This is based on soil and groundwater sample analyses. This analysis must be performed during or immediately after closure activities. Following sampling, a tank closure report must be submitted to DNR.