On this page...
- Beaver Creek Watershed Management Authority
- Boone River Watershed Management Authority
- Catfish Creek
- Clear Creek Watershed Coalition
- East Nishnabotna Watershed Coalition
- English River
- Fourmile Creek
- Headwaters of the South Skunk
- Indian Creek
- Ioway Creek (Formerly Squaw Creek)
- Little Sioux Headwaters Watershed Coalition
- Lower Cedar River
- Maquoketa River Watershed Management Authority
- Middle Cedar Watershed Management Authority
- Middle Iowa River Watershed Management Authority
- Middle/South Raccoon Watershed Management Authority
- Mud, Spring, Camp Creeks
- North and Middle Rivers Watershed Management Authority
- North Raccoon River Watershed Management Coalition
- Shell Rock River Watershed Management Coalition
- Soap Creek Watershed Board
- South Central Iowa Cedar Creek
- Turkey River
- Upper Cedar
- Upper Iowa Watershed Management Authority
- Upper Wapsipinicon
- Walnut Creek
- West Nishnabotna Watershed Coalition
- Winnebago River Watershed Management Coalition
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Beaver Creek Watershed Management Authority
- Beaver Creek WMA 28e agreement
- Beaver Creek Watershed Management Plan (Assessments)
- Beaver Creek Watershed Management Plan (Full, Final)
- Contacts:
- Riley Bass - Beaver Creek Watershed Project Coordinator, 515-236-3300, Riley.Bass@ia.nacdnet.net
Boone River Watershed Management Authority
- Boone River WMA 28e agreement
- Boone River Watershed Management Plan
- Contacts:
- Dean Kluss - Wright County Supervisors, 515-532-3262, dkluss@co.wright.ia.us
Catfish Creek
- City of Dubuque Catfish Creek Watershed Authority
- Catfish Creek 28e agreement
- Contacts:
- Eric Schmechel - Urban Conservationist, Dubuque SWCD, schmechel@yousq.net
Clear Creek Watershed Coalition
- http://www.clearcreekwatershedcoalition.org/
- Clear Creek Watershed 28e agreement
- Clear Creek Watershed Management Plan
- Contacts:
- Jennifer Fencl, Environmental Services Director, East Central Iowa Council of Governments, 319-289-0065, jennifer.fencl@ecicog.org
East Nishnabotna Watershed Coalition
- http://www.goldenhillsrcd.org/wma.html
- East Nishnabotna 28e agreement
- East Nishnabotna by-laws
- East Nishnabotna River Watershed Management & Flood Resiliency Plan
- Contacts:
- Shaun Ahern - Project Coordinator, Golden Hills RC&D, 712-482-3029, shaun.ahern@goldenhillsrcd.org
English River
- www.englishriverwma.org
- English River 28e agreement
- English River By-laws
- Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan
- Contacts:
- Jody Bailey - Project Coordinator, 319-656-2310, jbailey@englishriverwma.org
- English RiverWMA@gmail.com
Fourmile Creek
- http://www.fourmilecreekwatershed.org/
- Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan
- Fourmile Creek 28e agreement
- Contacts:
- John Swanson - Water Resources Planner, Polk County Public Works, 515-875-5880, johnathon.swanson@polkcountyiowa.gov
Headwaters of the South Skunk
- https://www.prrcd.org/headwaters-of-the-south-skunk/
- Headwaters of the South Skunk 28e agreement
- Contacts:
- Linda Murken - Chair, 515-382-7202, lmurken@storycountyiowa.gov
Indian Creek
- https://www.indiancreekwma.org/
- Indian Creek 28e agreement
- Indian Creek Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan
- Contacts:
- Jennifer Fencl - Environmental Services Director, East Central Iowa Council of Governments, 319-289-0065, jennifer.fencl@ecicog.org
Ioway Creek (Formerly Squaw Creek)
- https://www.prrcd.org/ioway-creek-watershed-management-authority/
- Ioway (Squaw) Creek 28e agreement
- Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan
- Contacts:
- David Stein - Project Coordinator, 515-232-0048, dstein@prrcd.org
Little Sioux Headwaters Watershed Coalition
- Little Sioux Headwaters 28e agreement
- Little Sioux Headwaters Bylaws
- Contacts:
- John Wills - Project Coordinator, Dickinson Soil & Water Conservation District, 712-330-9492, John.Wills@ia.nacdnet.net
Lower Cedar River
- Lower Cedar River 28e agreement
- Lower Cedar River By-laws
- Contacts:
- Jon Bell - Chair, Lower Cedar WMA, 563-886-2101, jbell@leeagencyinc.com
Maquoketa River Watershed Management Authority
- Maquoketa River WMA Website
- Maquoketa River WMA 28e agreement
- Maquoketa River WMA bylaws
- Contacts:
- Erin Erickson - Watershed Coordinator, 319-826-1132, erin@limestonebluffsrcd.org
Middle Cedar Watershed Management Authority
- www.middlecedarwma.com
- Middle Cedar WMA 28e agreement
- Middle Cedar WMA by-laws
- Middle Cedar Watershed Management Plan
- Contacts:
- Jennifer Fencl - Environmental Services Director, East Central Iowa Council of Governments, 319-289-0065 jennifer.fencl@ecicog.org
Middle Iowa River Watershed Management Authority
- Middle Iowa River WMA 28e agreement
- Middle Iowa River WMA by-laws
- Contacts:
- Jennifer Fencl - Environmental Services Director, East Central Iowa Council of Governments, 319-289-0065 jennifer.fencl@ecicog.org
Middle/South Raccoon Watershed Management Authority
Back to topMud, Spring, Camp Creeks
- https://mudcampspringwatershed.wordpress.com/
- Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan
- Mud, Spring and Camp Creeks 28e agreement
- Mud, Spring and Camp Creeks By-laws
- Contacts:
- John Swanson - Water Resources Planner, Polk County Public Works, 515-875-5880, johnathon.swanson@polkcountyiowa.gov
North and Middle Rivers Watershed Management Authority
- North and Middle Rivers WMA (NMRWMA) Website
- NMRWMA 28e agreement
- NMRWMA By-laws
- Contacts:
- Tim Palmer - Chair, tim@regenerativeenvironmentalstrategies.com
North Raccoon River Watershed Management Coalition
- North Raccoon River Watershed Plan - Final
- North Raccoon 28e agreement
- North Raccoon by-laws
- Contacts:
- Jonathan Gano, Chair, 515-237-1425, jagano@dmgov.org
Shell Rock River Watershed Management Coalition
- Shell Rock 28e agreement
- Shell Rock by-laws
- Contacts:
- Cynthia Farmer - Senior Policy Associate, Center for Rural Affairs, 402-687-2100 x1034, cynthiaf@cfra.org
Soap Creek Watershed Board
- Soap Creek Watershed 28e agreement
- Contacts:
- Jerry Parker - Chair, Wapello County Supervisors, 641-683-4630, jparker@wapellocounty.org
South Central Iowa Cedar Creek
- https://www.monroe-swcd.org/cedar-creek
- South Central Iowa Cedar Creek 28e agreement
- South Central Iowa Cedar Creek by-laws
- Contacts:
- Diana Williams, Conservation Assistant - Monroe SWCD, 641-931-3034, Diana.williams@ia.nacdnet.net
Turkey River
- http://turkeyriver.org
- Turkey River 28e agreement
- Turkey River By-laws
- Turkey River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan
- Contacts:
- Rod Marlatt - Chair, 563-422-5146, fayetteccb@hawkeyetel.com
Upper Cedar
- http://www.floydcoia.org/395/Upper-Cedar-Watershed-Management
- Upper Cedar 28e agreement
- Upper Cedar By-laws
- Upper Cedar Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan
- Contacts:
- Doug Johnson - Coordinator, 641-228-2725 ext.3, douglas.johnson@ia.nacdnet.net
Upper Iowa Watershed Management Authority
- http://upperiowariver.org
- Upper Iowa WMA 28e agreement
- Upper Iowa River Watershed Resiliency Plan
- Contacts:
- Josh Dansdill, Secretary/Treasurer - upperiowariveralliance@gmail.com
Upper Wapsipinicon
- http://www.upperwapsi.org/
- Upper Wapsipinicon 28e agreement
- Upper Wapsipinicon Watershed Resiliency Plan
- Contacts:
- Ross Evelsizer - Watershed Planner, Northeast Iowa RC&D 563-864-7112, ross@northeastiowarcd.org
Walnut Creek
- http://www.walnutcreekwatershed.org
- Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan
- Walnut Creek 28e agreement
- Contacts:
- John Swanson - Water Resources Planner, Polk County Public Works, 515-875-5880, johnathon.swanson@polkcountyiowa.gov
West Nishnabotna Watershed Coalition
- http://www.goldenhillsrcd.org/wma.html
- West Nishnabotna 28e agreement
- West Nishnabotna by-laws
- West Nishnabotna River Watershed Management & Flood Resiliency Plan
- Contacts:
- Shaun Ahern - Project Coordinator, Golden Hills RC&D, 712-482-3029, shaun.ahern@goldenhillsrcd.org
Winnebago River Watershed Management Coalition
- Winnebago 28e agreement
- Winnebago by-laws
- Contacts:
- Cynthia Farmer - Senior Policy Associate, Center for Rural Affairs, 402-687-2100 x1034, cynthiaf@cfra.org