Local pretreatment programs are established by municipalities based on the National Pretreatment Program. The framework for the National Pretreatment Program is contained in EPA's General Pretreatment Regulations found in 40 CFR Part 403.
States that have NPDES authority, like Iowa, are required to develop state pretreatment programs for EPA approval. States can be granted pretreatment authority by demonstrating that their program meets all federal requirements. Iowa was delegated pretreatment authority by EPA in 1982.
In a state with pretreatment delegation, large publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) with a design flow more than 5 MGD and smaller POTWs with significant industrial discharges must establish local pretreatment programs. These local programs may impose more stringent discharge requirements (local limits) to prevent disruption of the sewage treatment system or biosolids, or to prevent adverse environmental impacts. Local pretreatment programs must be approved by the delegated state.
Iowa Programs
In Iowa, the following cities have local pretreatment programs:
Ames | Davenport | Marshalltown |
Boone | Des Moines | Mason City |
Burlington | Dubuque | Muscatine |
Cedar Falls | Fort Dodge | Ottumwa |
Cedar Rapids | Fort Madison | Sioux City |
Clinton | Iowa City | Waterloo |
Council Bluffs | Keokuk |
Local pretreatment coordinators contact information as of 1/4/2024: Iowa Pretreatment Coordinators
Treatment Agreements
If a city does not have an approved local pretreatment program, the national pretreatment standards are enforced by the state. Industries in cities that have not established a local pretreatment program often need to establish a Treatment Agreement with the city. For more information regarding treatment agreements between cities and industries, see the Treatment Agreements page.