Forest Invasive Species Guide

The Forest Invasive Species Guide is published in cooperation with the Iowa DNR and USDA Forest Service as part of the Healthy Forests in the Cedar Iowa Corridor Landscape Scale Restoration grant. The pocket guide highlights 19 invasive trees, shrubs, and plants. It includes quick ID photos and text as well as common management techniques for controlling each species.

Invasive species
Plant nameScientific nameLearn more
Autumn OliveElaeagnus umbellata
Bull ThistleCirsium vulgare
Canada ThistleCirsium arvense
CheatgrassBromus tectorum L.
Chinese ElmUlmus parvifolia Jacq.
Common BuckthornRhamnus cathartica L.
Common BurdockArctium L.
Common TeaselDipsacus L.
Crown VetchCoronilla L.
Dame's RocketHesperis matronalis
Bush HoneysuckleDiervilla Mill.
Garlic MustardAlliaria petiolata
Giant HogweedHeracleum mantegazzianum
HoneysuckleLonicera L.
Japanese BarberryBerberis thunbergii
Japanese KnotweedPolygonum cuspidatum
KnapweedCentaurea L.
Leafy SpurgeEuphorbia esula L.
Multiflora RoseRosa multiflora Thunb.
Musk ThistleCarduus nutans L
Oriental BittersweetCelastrus orbiculatus
PrivetLigustrum L.
Purple LoosestrifeLythrum salicaria L.
Queen Anne's LaceDaucus carota L.
Reed Canary GrassPhalaris arundinacea L.
Russian OliveElaeagnus angustifolia L.
Salt CedarTamarix ramosissima
Sericea LespedezaLespedeza cuneata
Siberian ElmUlmus pumila L.
Spotted KnapweedCentaurea stoebe L.
Tree of HeavenAilanthus altissima
Velvet LeafSenna lindheimeriana
White MulberryMorus alba
Wild ParsnipPastinaca sativa L.
Winged Burning BushEuonymus occidentalis
Yellow Star ThistleCentaurea solstitialis L.