UST Professional Certification Programs General Information

The Underground Storage Tank Certification Programs certify the following UST professionals: Companies, Installers, Installation Inspectors, Compliance Inspectors, Cathodic Protection Inspectors, Removers, Testers (product lines, tanks and vapor recovery systems) and Liners, as well as Groundwater Professionals.

The rules overseeing this program can be found in Iowa Administrative Code 567 Chapter 134(455B). These rules require UST Professionals and Groundwater Professionals to be certified by the DNR and ensures compliance with the technical requirements for UST systems and related cleanup. If you have any questions about the certification program, please contact Charlotte Richards, the program coordinator, at and 515-681-6932.

Note: The UST Section is transitioning all UST Professional Licenses to Certifications. This is being done in an effort to streamline the program and provide more consistency between all program areas. No practical changes are being made beyond the terminology change. 

Upcoming Course Information

  • April 2-3, 2025 - Iowa UST Compliance Inspector Course
  • November 13, 2025 - Iowa UST Refresher Course
    • Registration and course information to be posted in fall 2025

UST Professionals

Individual UST professionals (excluding Groundwater Professionals) must be employed with a certified UST Professional company, or be certified as sole proprietor and provide their own liability insurance. UST Professionals must be certified by the DNR’s UST Section before performing work requiring a certified professional. 

Groundwater Professionals 

The DNR is responsible for the certification of persons who wish to do business in Iowa as groundwater professionals. This professional designation is required for any person who wishes to submit projects to the UST Section evaluating leaking underground storage tank sites or proposing corrective action.

A Groundwater Professional is defined by Chapter 567-134 as “a person who provides subsurface soil contamination and groundwater consulting services, or who contracts to perform or who supervises remediation or corrective action services at leaking underground storage tank sites.”  These services and activities must be provided by or directly supervised by a certified groundwater professional. All reports submitted to the Iowa DNR must be signed by the Certified Groundwater Professional supervising the work at the site. In complying with the legislative mandate, persons must be certified as a Groundwater Professional before performing any of the above services. 

List items for UST Professional Certification Programs