

REAP stands for Resource Enhancement and Protection. It is a program in the State of Iowa that invests in, as its name implies, the enhancement and protection of the state's natural and cultural resources. Iowa has a diverse array of natural and cultural resources, and REAP is likewise diverse and far reaching. Depending on the individual programs, REAP provides money for projects through state agency budgets or in the form of grants. Several aspects of REAP also encourage private contributions that help accomplish program objectives.

REAP is funded from the state's Environment First Fund (Iowa gaming receipts) and from the sale of the natural resource license plate. The program is authorized to receive $20 million per year until 2026, but the state legislature sets the amount of REAP funding every year. These funds go into eight different programs based upon the percentages specified in the law. These percentages, or what many people call the REAP formula, are shown in the pie chart below.

Funds for REAP are administered through a formula as per the law signed in 1989.  Funds are ultimately distributed through Departments of Natural Resources, Transportation, Administrative Services, and Agriculture and Land Stewardship.

Funds for REAP are administered through a formula as per the law signed in 1989. Funds are ultimately distributed through Departments of Natural Resources, Transportation, Administrative Services, and Agriculture and Land Stewardship.

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Get Involved with REAP

List items for Get Involved with REAP

Iowa's REAP program is unlike other similar efforts throughout the country in that it provides many opportunities for people to get involved. Whether that includes becoming a member of your County REAP Committee, chatting with friends and neighbors about the importance of REAP, or attending REAP Assemblies and Congress, there are places in REAP's public participation elements for you to lend your voice and make a difference.

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Natural Resource Plates

Iowa license plate showing image of a pheasant.
Natural Resources License Plates

Make a Difference, Make the Switch

Every penny of your $45 initial fee and $25 renewal fee (automatically included in your annual vehicle registration) goes toward trails, habitat, parks, wildlife and more.

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