On this page...
The Wastewater Engineering Section issues wastewater construction permits, which are required for the construction of any municipal and industrial treatment and collection facilities that discharge treated wastewater to a river or stream. The section also reviews and issues construction permits for wastewater reclamation projects and non-discharging animal feeding operations. Wastewater construction permits are also required for small on-site wastewater disposal systems that commonly serve developments or small areas in the treatment of domestic wastewater. Some larger cities have accepted delegation of responsibility for the review of sewer extensions.
The section also administers the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Loan Program offering communities and sanitary districts low interest loans for the construction of wastewater treatment and collection system improvements.
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Electronic Fee Payment Options for Wastewater Construction Permit Applications:
The Wastewater Engineering Section accepts electronic payments for wastewater construction permit fees. To make an electronic payment:
- Proceed to https://programs.iowadnr.gov/payments and choose “Pay Wastewater Construction Permit Fee”.
- Fill the information on the form and follow the on-screen instructions.
- Payments can be made with credit card or electronic check.
- All payments will include a $1.50 processing fee, and credit card payments will include an additional 2.5% processing fee.
- Submit the payment confirmation email together with the construction permit application.
Electronic Application Submittal:
Please see the Wastewater Construction Permits webpage for information on how to submit construction permit applications electronically.
Wastewater Construction Technical Assistance Hotline:
The DNR has a toll-free wastewater technical assistance hotline for communities, industries, and engineers who do not already have a DNR reviewer assigned to them. The toll free number is for both local (Des Moines calling area) and long-distance callers:
- Toll Free Long Distance Number: 855-256-9287 (855-CLN-WATR)
- Local Number: 515-725-9287
Wastewater Engineering Webpages
Wastewater construction permit information and forms can be found in the following pages:
- Construction Permit Forms and Information
- Land Application Construction Permit Forms and Information
- Water/Wastewater Permits Information System and Records Database (W/Wisard)
- Clean Water State Revolving Fund
- Iowa Wastewater Facilities Design Standards (IWFDS) and Design Guidance Documents
- Waivers (Variances) from the IWFDS
- Sewage Sludge (Biosolids) Information
Additional Information
Iowa DNR Links:
- Antidegradation Information
- Flood Plain Management
- Iowa DNR Field Offices
- Wasteload Allocations
- Water Quality Standards
- Impaired Waterbodies
- Total Maximum Daily Loads (Water Quality Improvement Plans)
- Down the Drain - What happens to our wastewater?
- Council of Governments List
Offsite Links:
- Iowa Finance Authority
- USDA Rural Development - Water and Waste Disposal Loans and Grants
- Iowa Department of Economic Development - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program
- State Historic Preservation Office of Iowa
- EPA Office of Water
- EPA Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF)