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What We Do
The GIS section is responsible for the development, management, and distribution of the Department's Natural Resource Geographic Information System (NRGIS). This includes data collection and analysis that may be required for various resource investigations and in support of making natural resource management decisions. We deliver data in various formats to decision makers and the public. We also provide GIS support and training to other sections of the DNR.
Staff | Position |
Kathryne Clark, GIS Section Supervisor | GIS License Administration |
Erienne Davis | GIS Analyst |
Meghan Wierschke | GIS Analyst |
Jesse Soukup | GIS Analyst - Floodplain Mapping |
Chris Kahle | Floodplain Mapping Coordinator |
Vacant | GIS Analyst - Hydrologic modeling and SWAT |
Andy Asell | GIS Analyst - Forestry, Agriculture and Natural Resources |
Chad Billings | Hydrologic Engineering, Floodplain Mapping |
GIS Data and Applications
Staff | Position |
Casey James Kohrt | NRGIS Geospatial Administrator |
Freddy Segura | Geospatial Applications Coordination / Mapping Application Developer |
Data Collection and Production
Making good natural resource management decisions first requires good data. The DNR has undertaken many GIS projects focused on collecting and producing basic data on Iowa's natural resources. Examples include the Two-dimensional Base-level Engineering Project (2D BLE update to flood hazard modeling), participation in 2020 LiDAR acquisition for portions of the state, DNR infrastructure and assets collection, Historic Aerial Photography Project (1930s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s), and the State-wide Floodplain Mapping Project.
Data Analysis
Good decisions require analysis of available data. Examples include our High Resolution Land Cover project, Nutrient Reduction Strategy modeling and support, National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) conflation effort, Restorable Wetland Analysis project, etc.
Data Distribution
GIS data is primarily delivered to natural resource managers and the public through the State's Iowa Geodata GIS Clearinghouse, DNR GIS Web Services, and Web Mapping Applications.
- Iowa Geodata - https://geodata.iowa.gov/ - A wide variety of data available for download or streaming. The NRGIS Library data lives here.
- Web Services - http://programs.iowadnr.gov/geospatial/rest/services/ - Live data as Web Mapping Services for use in applications.
Web Mapping Applications
- AFO Siting Atlas: An interactive map to assist in the siting of animal feeding operations.
- Burial Zone Siting: An interactive map to assist in selecting animal burial zones.
- Coal Mine Maps: An interactive map to view coal mine maps where coal was mined in Iowa.
- One Stop Facility Explorer: An interactive map of environmentally-regulated facilities.
- Fishing Atlas: An interactive map of contour maps, fishing structure locations, topography and more.
- GeoSam: An interactive map of geologic information from well data.
- Iowa Elevation Tools: An interactive map to obtain elevation and profile information.
- Historic Photography Viewer: An interactive map to see historic aerial photography.
- Hunting Atlas: An interactive map to discover hunting opportunities in Iowa.
- Natural Areas Inventory: An interactive map about Iowa's rare species.
- Recreation Atlas: An interactive map for discovering recreation opportunities in Iowa.
- Source Water Mapping: An interactive map about Iowa's drinking water sources and quality.
- Water Monitoring and Watershed Atlas: An interactive map about water quality and watersheds.