
Air Quality

Below is a list of technical guidance documents for Iowa's air operating permit program.

Control Efficiency

This table identifies typical control efficiencies that would be achieved by different types of control equipment. It is used in reviewing Title V applications by comparing the applicant’s claimed control efficiency with the table’s value. These are conservative control efficiency values that are used in cases where the applicant has not provided further documentation to support a higher control efficiency (e.g. stack test data).

Glycol Ethers

Glycol ethers is one of 188 listed hazardous air pollutants, as defined by EPA. A frequently asked question the DNR receives is what compounds are included in the glycol ethers category. The guidance document listed below discusses this question, lists a few commonly reported glycol ethers, and refers to an EPA document for further information.

Hazardous Air Pollutants

The following two tables list the 188 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP's) as defined by EPA. Many of the chemicals regulated as HAP's are also Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) because they have volatile and photoreactive properties. Some HAP's are also considered particulate matter (PM). To make this clearer, the AQB has added a column that indicates which HAP's are also classified as VOC's or PM.

Lead Estimating Fact Sheet

This document is intended to enhance awareness of what processes emit lead, increase the integrity of lead inventory data from point sources, and provide several approaches to estimate lead emissions.

Multiple Stack Tests

This document explains how to estimate emissions from stacks that have conducted more than one DNR-approved stack test during the emissions inventory year. Example estimations are provided for illustrative purposes only.

Operating Permits - General Guidance

Operation & Maintenance Plans

Operation & Maintenance (O&M) plans are sometimes required as part of a source's periodic monitoring. These are example O&M plans for different types of control equipment. It should be noted that these are generic O&M plans, and they may need to be modified to fit a specific source's needs.

Periodic Monitoring Guidance

This guidance document was developed by the DNR and a committee of representatives from Title V facilities. Its purpose is to provide staff and industry with guidance on how to determine what constitutes acceptable periodic monitoring which must be included in each operating permit, as required by 40 CFR Part 70.