P2 Assessments

Pollution Prevention Services provides no-cost, non-regulatory, and confidential assessments to help companies achieve their environmental goals. Our technical staff can help you identify pollution prevention opportunities, recommend feasible solutions, and provide the economic and environmental analyses necessary for project justification. 

Our goal is to improve your bottom line and reduce waste. We will work with you from initial consultation to implementation and beyond.

Initial Consultation

We will speak with you via phone or on-site to discuss P2 opportunities for your facility.  We’ll help you evaluate and prioritize your needs to determine what type of assessment or other technical assistance your company would benefit from most. 

Together we will develop a specific and realistic action plan with clear and measurable goals.

Assessment Types

Depending on your needs, we can provide two types of assessments:

  1. An opportunity assessment involves examining any or all media (water, solid waste, hazardous waste, and energy use) and processes within your facility for waste reduction and efficiency opportunities. The result of an opportunity assessment is a report detailing possible areas of improvement that should be further investigated.
  2. During a focused assessment, we can concentrate on a specific media (water, solid waste, hazardous waste, and energy use) or process area and recommend more specific improvement measures. The result of a focused assessment is a report describing the current status and recommendations for P2 opportunities. Each recommendation will include a cost-benefit analysis as well as implementation information.

Program Eligibility

Your company is eligible to work with Pollution Prevention Services if:

  • You are a business, industry, institution (e.g. hospital, educational campuses), or governmental agency with 100 or more employees.
  • You employ fewer than 100 people, but meet at least one of the following criteria:
    • Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) reporter
    • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Large-Quantity Generator of hazardous waste
    • Large Utility User (greater than $1 million in energy and water usage and waste disposal annually)