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Iowa Outdoors Magazine, showing front covers of a heron, late summer sunrise and a colorful bird
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Iowa Outdoors Magazine, Spring 2025

Take the Tackle
Fishing doesn't require a fancy, special trip or a whole day outing. Pack the tackle to keep in your vehicle to wet a line wherever you go for spontaneous fun.
Story by Shannon Hafner and DNR biologists

Artist Journey
Meet a self-taught artist from Atlantic and absorb the nature inspired stories behind his award-winning paintings.
Story and Photos by Timothy F. Pross

Man Among Giants
Meet a man obsessed by big trees. Since the 1970s, he's steadfastly crisscrossed Iowa in search of ever bigger specimens and kept tabs on big trees he first measured in boyhood.
Story by Brian Button; Photos by Mark Rouw

Nomad No More
Woodlands came to life with soft melody of songbirds, rustle of squirrels and fleeting whistle of wood ducks. Spring turkey bowhunters are nomadic by nature, but the secret to success may be just the opposite.
Story and Photos by Eyad H. Yehyawi

Record Trees
See an annotated list of some of Iowa's biggest trees, then get motivated to learn more about finding, nominating and measuring Iowa's arboreal giants. Volunteers are needed to learn the art and science of big tree hunting.

Outdoor Skills
Learn to protect trees from oak wilt, restore boot leather and protect scenic natural areas.

Ask the Experts
Find out why this substance absorbs so much heat energy before its temperatures even begin to rise. Beware-it makes for colder than expected springtime activities.

Get out of the house to find spring wildflowers or meet others excited to learn at two popular annual events in Kalona and Ames.

Lost in Iowa
Its the Crinoid Capital of the World, Iowa's Big Tree Capital and a small city loaded with some of the state's deepest history. Come to Burlington and nearby Geode State park to take advantage of their early spring, flowering trees, bird song, long hikes and amazing architecture.

From Our Archives
What a difference 80 years make. See the odd spring happenings from a different era.

Flora & Fauna
Meet a highly skilled aviator that uses its aerial pursuit prowess to feast on other birds.

Notes from the Field
Tag along as DNR specialists investigate the source of a mysterious blue liquid. Sometimes progress comes with questions unanswered.

Iowa Outdoors Magazine, together section from January 2010, showing image of an owl and teaser text for "Go calling under the owl moon"
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Iowa Outdoors Magazine

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We strive to open the door to the beauty and uniqueness of Iowa's natural resources, inspire people to get outside and experience Iowa and to motivate outdoor-minded citizens to understand and care for our natural resources.

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