On this page...
The DNR's eAirServices is a secure portal for online business services. It is the entry point for the regulated community and consultants to electronically complete and file air quality reports, notifications and permit applications.
Starting January 1, 2023, only air construction and Title V operating permit applications submitted electronically in Iowa EASY Air and emissions inventories submitted electronically in SLEIS will be accepted by the Department.
Pay Invoices & Emission Fees Online!
Pay your Iowa EASY Air invoice and Title V emissions online, fast and easy.
Air Quality Records and Compliance Reporting (AQRR)
List items for Air Quality Records & Compliance Reporting (AQRR)
Air Quality Records and Compliance Reporting (AQRR) is web-based application that provides information and resources pertaining to air quality records and compliance. AQRR is comprised of the following:
AQRR-Compliance Reporting
Web-based secure system that allows facilities to electronically sign and submit the following compliance reports:
- Title V Annual Compliance Certifications
- Title V Semi-Annual Monitoring Reports
- National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Pollutants
- New Source Performances Standards
- Continuous Emissions Monitoring/Continuous Opacity Monitoring
Construction Permit Search
Access to issued Construction Permits and Construction Permits out for public comment
Open Text Document Search
The Iowa DNR's centralized electronic document search system
- Air Quality Records and Compliance Reporting, Public User Guide
- Air Quality Records and Compliance Reporting, Frequently Asked Questions
Questions may be directed to the AQRR helpdesk AQRR@dnr.iowa.gov or Julie Duke at (515) 669-8474 or Julie.Duke@dnr.iowa.gov.
Iowa EASY Air
List items for Iowa EASY Air
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has developed an electronic permit application system for construction and Title V operating permit applications. It is a web-based, secure system available for submitting permit applications.
Instructions and access to "how-tos" can be found below, along with more information about the system and its advantages for fast, accurate application submittals.
Sign up for Iowa EASY Air updates.
Notice to SLEIS users logging in to Iowa EASY Air for the first time: If your SLEIS email account was created prior to November 2019, your SLEIS account information was migrated into Iowa EASY Air, so you do have an account, but you will need to create a password.
Click on the "Forgot your login user name or password?" link and follow the directions to have a temporary password emailed to you.
Please direct any system-related comments or questions to easyair@dnr.iowa.gov, or by phone at 515-725-9569 or 515-725-9547.
Responsible Officials (ROs) may use the preferred e-Verify option for identity verification. The Iowa EASY Air account registration instructions for ROs document provides more information on how to use this option. ROs who are not able to successfully use this preferred option may submit an Electronic Signature Agreement (ESA) form to DNR following the instructions provided in the account registration instructions for ROs document.
Required Electronic Submittal of Air Permit Applications
User Account Instructions
- Account Registration Instructions for Consultants and Preparers
- Account Registration Instructions for Responsible Officials
- Responsible Officials - Managing Associated Consultants and Preparers
Frequently Asked Questions – Iowa EASY Air
Frequently Asked Questions - Fees
Frequently Asked Questions - Tasks
- Title V Modification FAQs
- "Send Back" / Amendment FAQs
- Start of Construction / Start of Operation Notice FAQ
Construction Permit Application Instructions
- Construction Standard Application Instructions
- Determination Application Instructions
- Construction Permitting Pre-Application Instructions
- Rescission Application Instructions
- Start of Construction / Start of Operation Notice Entry
Construction Permit Template Application Instructions
- Aggregate Processing Plant Application Instructions
- Bulk Gasoline Plant Application Instructions
- Concrete Batch Plant Application Instructions
- Group 1 Grain Elevator Application Instructions
- Group 2 Grain Elevator Application Instructions
- Hot Mix Asphalt Plant Application Instructions
- Plantwide Applicability Limitation Instructions
- Paint Booth - Permit by Rule Instructions
Short Videos - Account Management
These brief videos give a quick overview of creating and/or modifying user accounts in the Iowa EASY Air system. Additional videos will be added as they are created and become available.
- Responsible Official Account Instructions (10 minutes)
- Managing Consultants and Preparers (< 6 minutes)
- Account Registration Instructions for Consultants and Preparers (6 minutes)
- Replacing Previous Responsible Official (5 1/2 minutes)
- Resetting Your Password (< 3 minutes)
- Completing Start of Construction and Start of Operation notifications (15 minutes)
Recordings from the 2023 webinars
- Accessing the System - Presented by Kevin Connolly (37 minutes)
- Construction Permit Applications - Presented by Danjin Zulic and John Curtin (3 hours)
- Title V Operating Permits & Modifications - Presented by Jeremy Arndt (92 minutes)
Recordings from the Spring 2021 webinars
These Iowa EASY Air videos are designed to help customers use the online system. They include:
- Accessing the System - Marnie Stein & Kevin Connolly (84 minutes)
- Making a Payment - Ashley Dvorak (12 minutes)
- Title V Applications & Modifications - Marnie Stein & Jeremy Arndt (92 minutes)
- Permit by Rule - Ashley Dvorak (20 minutes)
- Applying for a Construction Permit
- Part 1: Welcome & Background - Danjin Zulic (4 minutes)
- Part 2: Standard Permit + Tips & Tricks - John Curtin & Michael Hermsen (88 minutes)
- Part 3: How to Modify, Withdraw or Amend Applications - John Curtin, Michael Hermsen & Danjin Zulic (42 minutes)
- Part 4: Rescissions, Equipment Deactivation & Permit Search - Ashley Dvorak (28 minutes)
To view all videos in a playlist format, please use this link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwHjhP4BtLzagGSv1hBQGnF8nXJq0JWH_
If for any reason you are unable to hear the sound on these videos, a complete transcript (raw format) is available. DNR also provides other training materials including instructions, online instructions, tips and help embedded in the Iowa EASY Air application. Iowa EASY Air Help Desk staff are available to answer your questions. Please direct any system-related comments or questions to the Iowa EASY Air Help Desk at easyair@dnr.iowa.gov, or by phone to 515-725-9569 or 515-725-9547.
State and Local Emissions Inventory System
List items for State and Local Emissions Inventory System
SLEIS is the State and Local Emissions Inventory System. It is a web-based emissions inventory reporting system used by industry to manage facility and equipment information and to report point source emissions data to DNR. It is an intuitive reporting system that easily allows users to enter and extract data.
Login: Emission Inventory Reporting
Questions about SLEIS? Contact us at sleis@dnr.iowa.gov or call 515-725-9544.
The DNR provides annual online training. As new online training is scheduled, it will be announced via GovDelivery. To subscribe, go to www.IowaCleanAir.gov and click on Sign up for Air Quality Technical Updates. For more information, please contact DNR’s Wendy Walker at 515-250-7534 or wendy.walker@dnr.iowa.gov.
Upcoming Trainings:
There are no trainings currently scheduled.
Previous Trainings:
SLEIS Webinar Materials
The training webinar videos are hosted on YouTube and may be played on any compatible device or app. Contact Jason Dowie at 515-204-3749 if you experience problems playing the videos.
SLEIS Training Materials
View the complete playlist or browse individual modules below:
- Welcome Screen (9:58)
- Facility Information (11:52)
- Release Points (10:22)
- Control Devices (8:10)
- Emission Units (9:37)
- Unit Processes (11:49)
- Process Emissions (13:18)
- Import Process (8:24)
- Report Attachments (2:31)
- Validation & Submittal Process (5:35)
- Summary Report (2:56)
- Request Amendment (2:26)
If you have problems with the files or have questions, please contact the SLEIS HelpDesk.
In order to access facility data in SLEIS, users must establish a user account.
Please visit our new Payment Portal at https://programs.iowadnr.gov/payments.
Title V emissions fees due may be retrieved by searching for the facility by emission inventory questionnaire (EIQ) number, facility identification number, or facility name as it appears in the State & Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS). Payments may be made by credit card or electronic check. No login is required and no additional paperwork is necessary.
Asbestos Notification System
List items for Asbestos Notification System
Knock out your Asbestos Notification in no time!
~ For all Abatement, Demolition, and Renovation Work ~
- At your fingertips 24/7
- Immediate confirmation after notification received
- Simple revisions and cancellations
- Tailored to your needs – addresses each type of notification
- Online video training available
- Built-in help
- At your pace, pause as needed
Log on now to create your secure account, provide notice and pay fees for new notifications:
Please continue using paper process for notifications originally mailed to DNR.
If you need assistance, please email asbestos@dnr.iowa.gov or call Norma Gentry at 515-423-6415.
The training webinar videos are provided below as found on our YouTube Channel. Contact Air Quality at 515-725-8200 and ask for Jason Dowie if you experience problems playing the videos.
*A comprehensive User Guide is also available: Asbestos Notification System User Guide
Asbestos Notification System Training Materials:
Step-by-step instructions for creating a user ID, password rules, security questions, identity proofing and electronic signature.
Instructions for changing password, changing security questions, updating contact information and updating permit number.
Video 3: Asbestos Abatement Building Notification
Step-by-step instructions for creating a notification for the removal of asbestos containing materials from a building. Includes identifying the location, size, and use of building, building owner, project operator, abatement contractor, amount of asbestos, asbestos inspector, method to contain asbestos, waste hauler and online payment.
Video 4: Demolition Building Notification
Step-by-step instructions for creating a notification for the demolition of a building after asbestos removed. Includes identifying the location, size, and use of building, building owner, project operator, demolition contractor, asbestos inspector, method to remove building materials, waste hauler and online payment.
Video 5: Emergency Renovation Building Notification
Step-by-step instructions for creating a notification for the renovation of a building containing asbestos based on an emergency situation such as burst pipes. Includes identifying the location, size, and use of building, building owner, project operator, abatement contractor, amount of asbestos, asbestos inspector, method to contain asbestos, waste hauler, details of emergency situation, and online payment.
Video 6: Ordered Demolition Building Notification
Step-by-step instructions for creating a notification for the demolition of a building containing asbestos based on unsafe work conditions due to risk of imminent collapse. Includes identifying the location, size, and use of building, building owner, project operator, demolition contractor, amount of asbestos, asbestos inspector, method to contain asbestos, method to remove building materials, waste hauler, municipal authority issuing order, and online payment.
Video 7: Renovation Building Notification
(video not ready at this time)
Video 8: Asbestos Abatement Bridge Notification
Step-by-step instructions for creating a notification for the removal of asbestos containing materials from a bridge. Includes identifying the location and size of the bridge, bridge owner, project operator, abatement contractor, amount of asbestos, asbestos inspector, method to contain asbestos, waste hauler and online payment.
Video 9: Demolition Bridge Notification
Step-by-step instructions for creating a notification for the demolition of a bridge after asbestos removed. Includes identifying the location and size of the bridge, bridge owner, project operator, demolition contractor, asbestos inspector, method to remove bridge materials, waste hauler and online payment.
Video 10: NESHAP Notification of Training Fire
Step-by-step instructions for creating a notification of a proposed burn for the purposes of bona fide training of public or industrial employees in fire fighting methods. Includes fire department contact information, location and dates of the fire, details about the building, asbestos inspector, and details about any asbestos containing materials.
Video 11: Controlled Burn of Demolished Building Notification
Step-by-step instructions for creating a notification of the controlled burn of a demolished building. If the proposed burn does not meet the definition of a training fire, a city may be able to conduct a controlled burn of a demolished building burn. Includes fire department contact information, location and dates of the fire, details about the building, asbestos inspector, and details about any asbestos containing materials.
Video 12: Search—Revision—Canceled Notification
Step-by-step instructions for finding existing notifications, revising and canceling notifications.