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Mercury Recycling & Laws

Iowa Code 455D.16 addresses mercury containing thermostats. The major provisions of the law are:

  • Mercury thermostats may not be sold in Iowa.
  • Mercury thermostats must be managed as hazardous or universal waste.
  • A contractor who replaces a mercury-added thermostat in a residence shall deliver the mercury-added thermostat to an appropriate collection location for recycling.

To find a thermostat collection point near you or to become a collection point, please go to:

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Mercury Switch Removal From Vehicles

Auto manufacturers, as part of a national, voluntary, agreement, will provide collection containers and free recycling of recovered switches to vehicle recyclers until December 31, 2027.  This will continue to be done through the end-of-life vehicle solutions (ELVS) program. Mercury switches are required to be removed prior to delivery to a scrap recycling facility.

Send in your bucket! When your collection bucket is full, send it in.

  1. If needed, request a replacement bucket and shipping label by calling 800-495-6059 or e-mail 
    1. Provide your company name, shipping address and bucket size (small or large). 
  2. Enclose the log of make and model numbers or VINs in the collection container.
  3. Tie the plastic liner in a knot and tightly seal the container.

    EQ – A US Ecology Company (formerly EQ Industrial Services, Inc.)
    Attention: ELVS program
    6500 Georgia Street
    Detroit, MI 48211
    Phone: 800-495-6059

  4. Give the sealed and labeled box to your UPS driver when at your facility.  If you do not have visits from a UPS driver, simply drop off your package at the nearest UPS drop off outlet (a list of outlets are available on the web at UPS).
  5. ELVS will properly manage the mercury switches.

For a list of vehicles containing mercury switches, videos on how to remove the switches and various other information, visit the ELVS website.

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