The following fact sheets provide information on regulations, designed primarily for livestock and poultry producers:

A phone attached to a headset, laying on a desk.
Report a Spill

If in doubt, report it!

Quick reporting of hazardous spills is critical in providing the best emergency response. Call the Iowa DNR and local law enforcement right away.

Call our 24-hour line at 515-725-8694

List items for Fact Sheets and Information for AFOs

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GIS / Maps

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DNR Sections That Work With Animal Feeding Operations

List items for The DNR Sections That Work With AFOs

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Air Quality Field Study

The DNR Air Quality Bureau conducted a field study near animal feeding operations to evaluate air quality in rural Iowa. The purpose was to discover if harmful concentrations of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, or odors were emitted.

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  • GeoSam

    The University of Iowa’s GeoSam is “Iowa’s geologic site and sample tracking program. GeoSam provides location, identification, and other key information about every available well, rock exposure, or site of geologic information in Iowa. GeoSam can be searched using either a map-based or text-based interface.”

  • GISU – Iowa Geographic Map Data

    This site provided by Iowa State University allows free access to Iowa geographic map data through an online map viewer, ArcIMS map services, or through GIS software extensions.

  • Iowa Geodata (requires GIS software)

    Iowa Geodata is the State's clearinghouse of geospatial data. The site contains data that was previously found on the DNR’s NRGIS Library.

  • Iowa Manure Management Action Group (IMMAG)

    Iowa State University’s Extension and Outreach page provides information on manure applicator certification training, links to service providers, and other relevant topics for owners and operators of animal feeding operations.

  • Pollution Control Tax Exemption and Certification for Animal Feeding Operations

    Pollution control properties may be eligible for a property tax exemption if certain criteria are met. See DNR Form 542-0640 or visit the Iowa Department of Revenue’s website for more information.

  • State Revolving Fund (SRF)

    The Livestock Water Quality Program (LWQ) offers low-interest loans through participating lenders to Iowa livestock producers for projects to prevent, minimize or eliminate non-point source pollution of Iowa’s rivers and streams from animal feeding operations.

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