The Volunteer Wildlife Monitoring Program (VWMP) is for enthusiastic and sharp-eyed, sharp-eared volunteers who have a passion for wildlife and its conservation. With more than 1,000 species in our state, the wildlife staff can't possibly keep track of all these critters in every corner of the state. We need volunteers that are willing and interested in collecting data on a few important and sensitive groups of wildlife: Bald Eagles/Ospreys/Peregrine Falcons, Frogs and Toads, and Bats.

More: Volunteer Wildlife Monitor Program Brochure

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Volunteer Wildlife Monitoring Workshops

Please read all instructions below carefully before registering.

2024 workshops are completed. Dates, times and registration information for 2025 will be posted below once they are scheduled.

Frog and Toad Call Survey Workshops

Anyone interested in participating in the Frog and Toad Call Survey must attend training. In person workshops are limited to 15 participants, virtual workshops to 25 households* each. Registration will close when that number of registrants has been reached. Before registering you can check out a list of existing routes in your county and see which may need a monitor. If there are no available routes near you, participants can design their own route.

* By "household" this means that more than 1 person in the same space can attend the zoom under 1 registration.

Virtual Workshops
Check back here for the 2025 Schedule

In Person Workshops
Check back here for the 2025 Schedule

Register for Frog and Toad Workshop

Bird Nest Monitoring Workshops

Anyone interested in being a bald eagle nest monitor must participate in trainings. Training workshops are not necessarily held each year. When they are scheduled, there is a limited amount of space in the workshops, so it is a good idea to register early to secure a spot. There is a fee of $10 which will cover the cost of materials and/or shipping. Registration will close one week before the workshop or when the attendance threshold is met, whichever comes first.

Please note for the virtual workshop, you only need to register once per household (please do not enter a separate registration for everyone in your household that will attend) but for the in-person workshop every person who will be attending will need to register.

Workshop Details:

Virtual Workshop
Check back here for any future workshops.

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Animals We Monitor

List items for Volunteer Wildlife Monitoring

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Report a Bald Eagle Nest

The DNR is always interested in receiving reports of Bald Eagle Nests in the state. We maintain a database of nests and are interested in keeping it as up to date as possible. The information we are interested in is the exact location of the nest, whether the nest is being used by eagles and if young are present how many and the date of your observation. To report a nest, please click the button below to use an interactive map to report the nest or download and use the form:

Report a Bald Eagle Nest

If you are interested in “adopting” and formally monitoring the nest as a volunteer for the DNR, please visit the Volunteer Wildlife Monitoring Program webpage for information on bird nest monitoring.

To talk to someone about reporting eagle nests in Iowa contact:
Boone Wildlife Research Station
1436 255th St., Boone, IA 50036 or 515-230-6599

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Volunteer Resources

The following are resources for current volunteer wildlife monitors.

If you like this program, here are some other programs that may interest you:

We can always use your help and it's great outdoor fun!

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