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Iowa's Hunting Regulations
This is not a complete set of hunting and trapping laws but contains the information you are most likely to need to safely participate in these outdoor activities.
- 2024/25 Iowa Hunting, Trapping, and Migratory Game Bird Regulations [PDF]
- 2024/25 Hunting Seasons and Limits, Card [PDF]
- 2024/25 Migratory Game Bird Seasons and Limits, Card [PDF]
- Waterfowl Hunting Map Book [PDF]
- Wildlife Refuges [PDF]
- Proposed 2024-25 County Antlerless Quota Changes [PDF]
- Waterfowl Hunting Zones - South Zone Callout Map [PDF]
- Chronic Wasting Disease, Hunter Guide [PDF]
Hunting & Trapping Regulations
- Synopsis of Federal Regulations for Hunting Migratory Game Birds
- Areas Closed to Canada Goose Hunting
- Special September Canada Goose Seasons
Falconry Regulations, Chapter 102 (Iowa Administrative Code)
- 571-102.2 Migratory Bird Regulations
- 571-102.3 Small Game
Requirements for Hunting Licensed Hunting Preserves in Iowa
All hunters hunting licensed hunting preserves must obtain an Iowa small game hunting license and habitat fee, or obtain the hunting preserve hunting license valid only on licensed preserves, and the habitat fee. Resident Iowa youth under the age of 16 are not required to have a license, but must be accompanied by a licensed adult 18 years of age or older. Non-resident youth under the age of 16 are required to possess a non-resident youth preserve license and habitat fee. The non-resident youth under 16 years of age are not required to have completed a hunter safety/education course.
All preserve game birds and game animals harvested on the licensed preserve must be properly tagged with transportation/kill tags as required by law. Hunting preserve operators are responsible for tagging the harvested game bird or animal before it is transported from the licensed preserve.
Back to topIowa's Occasional Wildlife Visitors
Populations of large mammals, once native to Iowa, have been gone from the Iowa landscape for 80 to 100 years. Learn more regarding wolves, bears, mountain lions and moose.
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