
Types of Hunting
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Iowa's Hunting Regulations

This is not a complete set of hunting and trapping laws but contains the information you are most likely to need to safely participate in these outdoor activities.

Plan Your Hunting Trip

Interactive Hunting Atlas

Our interactive hunting atlas was made to make it easier for you to find areas open to public hunting. View the atlas and plan your next Iowa hunting trip!

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Weekly Reporting

Reports for fall 2024 will begin early September.

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Migratory Game Birds

List items for Migratory Game Birds

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Federal Duck Stamp

Beginning July 2019, Iowa migratory bird hunters can buy their Federal Duck Stamp in the form of an E-Stamp through all Iowa license vendors and through the Go Outdoors Iowa online portal.

In 2024, the E-Stamp is now valid for the entire hunting season. The physical stamp will be mailed to the address on file. Hunters are responsible to make sure their address on file is current


Visit the US Fish & Wildlife Service website.


It’s so easy to buy your fishing or hunting license online, or visit local retailers and bait shops to buy your hunting or fishing licenses today.

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Migratory Game Bird Season Dates

We work hard to keep our calendar current, but always refer to the hunting regulation booklet for official, legal season dates.

Waterfowl Season Dates
2024-2025North ZoneCentral ZoneSouth Zone
Youth WaterfowlSept. 21-22Sept. 28-29Oct. 5-6
Ducks, Mergansers & CootsSep. 28 - Oct. 4
Oct. 12 - Dec. 3
Oct. 5 - 11
Oct. 19 - Dec. 10
Oct. 12 - 18
Oct. 26 - Dec. 17
Dark Geese & Light GeeseSep. 21 - Oct. 6
Oct. 12 - Dec. 3
Dec. 14 - Jan. 11, 2025
Sep. 28 - Oct. 13
Oct. 19 - Dec. 10
Dec. 21 - Jan. 18
Oct. 5 - 20
Oct. 26 - Dec. 17
Dec. 28 - Jan. 25, 2025
Game Bird Season Dates
Special September TealSept. 1 - 16Daily limit is 6
DovesSept. 1 - Nov. 29Daily limit is 15
SnipeSept. 7 - Nov. 30Daily limit is 8
RailSept. 7 - Nov. 15Daily limit is 12
WoodcockOct. 5 - Nov. 18Daily limit is 3
  • Metropolitan Goose Hunting Season (in specified areas): Only in designated zones around Des Moines, Cedar Rapids/Iowa City and Cedar Falls/Waterloo. Special regulations apply. 


  • Light Geese Conservation Order (additional regulations apply. Jan. 26 - May 1, 2025)

Urban Goose Meeting, Feb 2021

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Harvest Information Program (HIP)

Hunters who plan to pursue migratory game birds will be required to register for Harvest Information Program (HIP). Migratory game birds mean more than ducks and geese; it includes ducks, geese, coots, doves, woodcock, rails, and snipe.

Once registered, hunters will need to write their confirmation number on the line provided at the top of their hunting license as proof of registration. The HIP registration can be found in the GoOutdoorsIowa mobile app by clicking on the purchase license link below, and then logging in to your account.

HIP Instruction

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