These fact sheets are not intended as a substitute for the regulations and statues that apply. Rather, it is a helpful guideline on the topic.

Battery Management

On March 25, 2021, EPA published three new webpages on end-of-life management of lithium-ion and other batteries and contain information on the safe disposal and recycling of lithium-ion batteries for consumers, businesses, workers, and transporters, and management recommendations for single use, rechargeable, and automotive batteries that may be found in the home.

The battery webpages were created in response to the growing number of fires reported in the waste management process. One reason why fires start in garbage trucks and recycling facilities is because consumers mistakenly place their batteries in their home recycling bins and trash cans for disposal. The webpages emphasize that lithium-ion and most other household batteries do not belong in curbside trash or recycling, and instead should be sent to specialty recyclers or household hazardous waste facilities

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