Iowa has two types of animal feeding operations (AFOs) regulated under the Department of Natural Resources: confinements and open feedlots. See the AFO - General Overview for more about the two types of AFOs and state regulations that affect them.

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Report a Spill

If in doubt, report it!

Quick reporting of hazardous spills is critical in providing the best emergency response. Call the Iowa DNR and local law enforcement right away.

Call our 24-hour line at 515-725-8694

Important Dates to Remember

Jan. 1:
Manure Applicator Certification Education is available online (the previous year's education cannot be used to renew certification in this year).

Jan. 1 to Jan. 31:
County Construction Evaluation Resolution (Master Matrix) due.

Jan. 10:
Annual reports from facilities with NPDES permits due.

Feb. 1 to April 1:
Limitation on land applying liquid manure from confinement sites on frozen ground.

Mar. 1:
Commercial Manure Application Renewals due (annual).

Mar. 1:
Confinement Manure Application Renewals due (for renewal after certification expired 12/31 of the previous year).

Dec. 21 to April 1:
Limitation on land applying liquid manure from confinement sites on snow-covered ground.