Technical Assistance

To insure that you are making wise management decisions on your property it is highly advisable to meet with your Private Lands Biologist to discuss your short and long term management objectives, and assess your resource.

General Wildlife Habitat Advice:

  • Attracting Iowa Wildlife - basic habitat needs for backyard birds, deer, turkey, waterfowl, pheasant, quail,
  • Rabbits and furbearers
  • Green Browse Food Plots
  • Strip Disking
  • Mourning Doves Habitat Factsheet   
  • Wildlife Winter Shelterbelt Design
  • Edge Feathering
  • Prescribed Burning

Planting Native Grasses and Forbs 

Although known to be especially beneficial to species of song birds and game birds, many of Iowa's birds, mammals, reptiles and insects require grasslands at some point in their life cycle. In general, wildlife prefers open grasslands with a high concentration of forbs, especially legumes. Forbs and legumes produce seeds and high protein forage providing a food source. These open grasslands provide loafing, foraging, dusting and brood rearing cover. Dense grass stands can provide escape cover from predators. Rather than being flattened by snow cover, warm season grasses tend to bow over (forming tunnels) and return to an erect stature with snow melt. Two-thirds of a native prairie plants' biomass is located in its root system. This extensive network, sometimes more than 12 feet long, provides excellent soil stability, organic matter/nutrient build-up, and mineral translocation.

A high-diversity seed mix will most closely replicate historical vegetation and provide needed diversity for wildlife habitat. A seed mix should include a variety of grasses, sedges, legumes, and forbs (wildflowers). A diverse planting will provide a variety of food and cover, attracting a large number of different wildlife species. Species selected should only be those that were historically found in the area. Use caution not to include cultivar (flower garden) varieties of native prairie species. Avoid using seed nurseries "prairie-in-a-can" standard mixes which can contain species or hybrids that were not historically native to this area.