It’s easy to buy your fishing license. Go to our Go Outdoors Iowa online licensing system or visit one of 700 local retailers to buy your fishing license today.

100% of your license fees are invested back into local conservation, ensuring healthy fish and wildlife populations and public access to fishing opportunities in Iowa.

Licenses & Permit Fees

Go to our Go Outdoors Iowa online licensing system or visit one of a local retailer  to buy your fishing license today.

100% of your license fees are invested back into local conservation, ensuring healthy fish and wildlife populations, and public access to fishing opportunities in Iowa.

Fishing Licenses

Discover the different recreational fishing licenses in Iowa from the Iowa DNR.

Fishing License Requirements

Be aware there are some requirements and nonrequirements for fishing licenses in Iowa. Some fishers may be waived from requirements, while others may need specific licenses. These include:  

  • Residents Under 16 Years of Age
    Residents under sixteen (16) years of age can fish without a license, but may need to purchase a trout fee.
  • Nonresidents Under 16 Years of Age
    Nonresidents under sixteen (16) years of age can fish without a license, but may need to purchase a trout fee.
  • Licenses for the Deaf and Blind
    Minor pupils of the State School for the Blind and State School for the Deaf can fish without a license.
  • State Institution and County Care Residents
    Minor residents of other state institutions under the control of an administrator or a division of the department of human services and residents of county care facilities or a person who is receiving supplementary assistance under chapter 29 can fish without a license.
  • Military Personnel
    Military personnel on active duty with the armed forces of the United States, on authorized leave from a duty station located outside of this state, and a legal resident of this state, may hunt or fish without a license. You must carry your leave papers and a copy of a current earnings statement showing a tax deduction for Iowa income taxes while hunting or fishing.

Who can request to see my license?

You must show your license, certificate, permit and any required stamp upon request to:

  • Conservation or law enforcement officers
  • The owner or person in legal control of the land or water you are fishing
TIP Line

Turn In Poachers

Poachers are thieves who are stealing our fish and wildlife resources. Help us keep them out of business. If you see poaching, call 1-800-532-2020.