How can we help you?

Iowa Directory Services offers access to the State of Iowa Employee Directory as well as the option to find a State Agency or Department.

Iowa DNR staff and office information by county is a detailed county listing of conservation officers, conservation officer supervisors, recreational safety officers, fisheries biologists, wildlife biologists, environmental field offices, nuisance wildlife control operators, wildlife rehabilitation operators, county recorders and county conservation boards. 

DNR Staff & Offices provides an overview of the various bureaus and divisions, with access to staff contact information.

Customer Service

Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CST
(except for state holidays)

Contact Us via Email

Do you have a question, concern, suggestion, publication need or technical concern regarding our website? Email us at Please include your full name, address, phone number, DNR Customer # (if applicable), and your question. 

We will make every effort to respond in one business day. Responses to inquiries are sent during regular business hours.

Iowa Outdoors Magazine

Check out DNR news in Iowa Outdoors Magazine.

Looking for a specific back issue? 515-725-8200 - (single copies are $5)

Question about your subscription? Call toll-free: 1-800-361-8072

Press & Media

Contact the DNR Public Information Office at Media inquiries only.