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Classroom Resources

Research shows that children who learn and play outdoors do better in school, are healthier, more creative and are better problem solvers. Learn easy ways to teach about Iowa's amazing natural resources and learn on your own with the resources below.

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Demonstration Models / Kits


Educators can use this desktop model, developed by the Terrene Institute, to show how human actions impact aquatic resources and how responsible actions can restore and/or protect those resources. Check with your local county conservation board to see if they have an EnviroScapeâ„¢ you can borrow.

Stream Table

The Stream Table shows participants of all ages how sediment, vegetation, and flowing water work together in a dynamic stream system. The large, water- tight box (measuring 36" x 6' 8") can be used outdoors as well as indoors. It allows the presenter to show a series of events that may take years to occur in a natural system.

Check with your local county conservation board to see if they have an Stream Table you can borrow.

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Field Trip Locations

Fish Hatcheries & Visitor Centers

The Iowa DNR Fisheries Bureau operates several fish hatcheries. All facilities are open for tours.

State Parks & Recreation Areas

Recreation opportunities abound in Iowa State Parks and Recreation Areas. From hiking and camping to bird- watching and bicycling, each park offers outdoor enthusiasts a multitude of diverse and exciting adventures.

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Additional Resources

Iowa Department of Natural Resources Conservation Education

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