The following cities and universities in Iowa are required to obtain stormwater permits for their MS4s (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems)

Cities A-CCities D-ICities J-RCities S-W
AltoonaDavenportJohnstonSergeant Bluff
AmesDes MoinesLe ClaireSioux City
AnkenyDubuqueMarionStorm Lake
BettendorfEldridgeMarshalltownUniversity Heights
BondurantElk Run HeightsNorth LibertyUniversity of Iowa
BuffaloElyNorwalkUniversity of Northern Iowa
Carter LakeEvansdaleOttumwaUrbandale
Cedar FallsGrimesPleasant HillWaterloo
Cedar RapidsHiawathaRaymondWaukee
CliveHudsonRiverdaleWest Des Moines
CoralvilleIowa CityRobinsWindsor Heights
Council BluffsIowa State University  


Map: Cities & Universities Required to Obtain Stormwater Permits for MS4s

Map of Iowa cities and counties requiring Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems