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Rules & Regulations

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Snowmobile Registration & Permits

The renewal period for snowmobile registrations without penalty is September 1st through December 31st, annually. Be sure to register your snowmobile every year. Nonresident user permits are also required. 

All newly owned machines, or machines not yet entered into the recreational vehicle and vessel registration system (RVVRS), must be registered through the county recorder’s office in the owner’s county of residence.

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Snowmobile Education Program

Snowmobile riders in the state of Iowa who are ages 12 through 17 are required to have taken, and passed, a snowmobile education course and have an education certificate in their possession when riding on public land, public ice, and designated snowmobile trails, if these areas are signed open to snowmobile use.

This regulation applies to both resident and nonresident riders. 

The snowmobile education course is designed to teach students the principles of safe snowmobiling and how snowmobiling affects other people and the environment. To get started, visit the snowmobile education and safety page.

For information about the Snowmobile Education Program, please contact DNR Customer Service at 515-725-8200 or

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Snowmobile Safety

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Additional Snowmobile Information

List items for Additional Snowmobile Information

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