
Water Quality
Wastewater Permitting
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General Information - Executive Order 10

Executive Order 10 (EO10) signed by the Governor on January 10, 2023, requires all state agencies to identify which administrative rule chapters will be retained or rescinded. The EO10 process for both the review of existing rule chapters and the reauthorization of rule chapters that will be retained includes public engagement with the opportunity for meaningful input throughout the process. During the Water Quality Bureau's implementation of EO10, opportunities for public input and information for public review will be posted on this webpage as they become available.

EO10 - Water Quality Bureau (WQB)

Asistencia lingĂĽĂ­stica gratuita (Free Language Assistance)

Si habla un idioma que no sea el inglés, los servicios de asistencia lingüística están disponibles de forma gratuita. Llame al 515-725-8200.

If you speak a non-English language, we offer you language assistance services free of charge. Call 515-725-8200.

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WQB Rulemaking Schedule, News & Meetings

Anticipated Rulemaking Schedule

The Regulatory Analyses for the EO10 rule revisions for Groups 2 to 9 were published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on 9/4/2024, and the Notices of Intended Action (NOIAs) were published in the Bulletin on 1/8/2025. Two public hearings were held for each of the chapters in January and February of 2025. We anticipate that the final rules will be presented to the Environmental Protection Commission (EPC) at their meeting in April. The new rules and rescissions are expected to become effective in the summer of 2025.


Meeting invitations and materials will be posted on this webpage and announced in the Water Quality Bureau electronic newsletters. Please use the links below to sign up for one or more of the newsletters.

Public Hearings, Meetings & Comments

This section will be updated as new meetings are scheduled. Direct comments and questions on the proposed rules to the contact(s) listed in each Group.

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Current & Proposed WQB Rules Grouped by Topic

The WQB currently manages 31 rule chapters, all of which are in 567 (Environmental Protection Commission) of the Iowa Administrative Code (IAC). For ease of review, the Bureau’s chapters have been placed into nine groups by topic. The current and proposed rule documents, EO10 materials, and staff contacts for each group are listed below.

Group 1 - Delegation of Construction Permitting Authority, Chapter 9

Group 1 contains Chapter 9, which was the department’s delegation of construction permitting authority to local systems. The rule was intended to provide a framework for the water supply and wastewater extension delegated authority program in Iowa Code 455B.183. However, in practice, the rule effectively mirrored the Code. Since there was no reason to have the language in two places, we rescinded this chapter, effective June 19, 2024.

Group 2 - Wells, Chapters 38, 39, 49, & 82

Group 2 contains the chapters regarding private water well construction permits (38), properly plugging abandoned wells (39), nonpublic water supply wells (49), and well contractor certification (82). We are proposing to revise Chapters 39 and 82 and to combine Chapters 38 and 49 in to one new Chapter 49. 

Rule Documents - Current rules, proposed changes, and clean versions:

Comment Email and Contact: Erik Day,

Group 3 - Drinking Water, Chapters 40, 41, 42, & 43

Group 3 contains the drinking water chapters regarding definitions and forms (40), water supplies (41), public notice, education, reports, and records (42), and water supply design and operation (43). We are proposing to revise Chapters 41 and 43 and to combine Chapters 40 and 42 in to one new Chapter 40. 

Rule Documents - Current rules, proposed changes, and clean versions:

Comment Email and Contact: Carmily Stone,

Group 4 - Water Allocation & Use, Chapters 50 to 55

Group 4 contains the chapters regarding definitions and forms (50), water permits or registration (51), water withdrawal, diversion, and storage (52), protected water sources (53), water use permit restrictions and well interference compensation, and aquifer storage and recovery (55). We are proposing to combine Chapters 50, 51, and 52 in to one new Chapter 50 and to revise chapters 53, 54, and 55. 

Rule Documents - Current rules, proposed changes, and clean versions:

Comment Email and Contact: Chad Fields, 

Groups 5 & 6 - Wastewater Construction and Operation Permits and Sludge, Chapters 60 to 67

Group 5 contains chapters regarding wastewater definitions and forms (60), effluent and pretreatment standards (62), and monitoring and reporting (63). Group 6 contains chapters regarding wastewater construction, NPDES, and operating permits and the rule-referenced Iowa Wastewater Facilities Design Standards (64), pesticide applications (66), and land application of sewage sludge (67). We are proposing to combine Chapters 60, 64, and 66 in to one new Chapter 60 and to revise chapters 62, 63, and 67. 

Rule Documents - Current rules, proposed changes, and clean versions:

Comment Email: Direct comments and questions to

Contacts for Chapters 60, 62, 63, & 64: Courtney Cswercko, and Eric Wiklund,

Contact for IWFDS & Chapter 67: Satya Chennupati,

Group 7 - Septic Pumping & Onsite Wastewater, Chapters 68 & 69

Group 7 contains the chapters regarding commercial septic tank cleaners (68) and private sewage disposal systems (69). We are proposing to revise both chapters.

Rule Documents - Current rules, proposed changes, and clean versions:

Comment Email: Direct comments and questions to

Contacts: Cory Frank, or Eric Wiklund,

Group 8 - Operator & Laboratory Certification, Chapters 81 & 83

Group 8 contains the chapters regarding water and wastewater operator certification (81) and laboratory certification (83). We are proposing to revise both chapters.

Rule Documents - Current rules, proposed changes, and clean versions:

Comment Email and Contact, Chapter 81: Laurie Sharp,

Comment Email and Contact, Chapter 83: Kathy Lee,

Group 9 - Clean Water & Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF), Chapters 90 to 93 & 44

Group 9 contains the chapters regarding the Clean Water SRF, including definitions and forms (90), project ranking criteria (91), the loan fund (92), and non-point source pollution control set-asides (93), and the chapter regarding the Drinking Water SRF (44). We are proposing to combine Chapters 90 to 93 in to one new Chapter 90 and to revise Chapter 44.

Rule Documents - Current rules, proposed changes, and clean versions:

Comment Email: Direct comments and questions to

Contact, Chapters 90 - 93: Theresa Enright

Contact, Chapter 44: Tara Naber,

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