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Submit Your Electronic MMP Forms
Your electronic manure management plans (MMP) forms and e-payments can be submitted online.

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Confinements Forms
List items for AFO Confinement Forms
- 542-4000 - Manure Management Plan (MMP)
- 542-4000 - Manure Management Plan (MMP - Doc)
- 542-4000 - Manure Management Plan Worksheet (MMP)
- 542-4000a - Manure Management Plan Form Appendix A
- 542-8069 - Manure Management Plans for Sales of Dry Manure
- 542-8162 - MMP Short Form for Annual Update
- 542-8002 - Manure Application Record Keeping
- 542-8167 - Statement of Intent - Commercial Fertilizer Application for Livestock and Poultry Producers
- 542-0017 - For Producer Use: Stockpile Inspection Form
- 542-8068 - Construction Design Statement (CDS)
- 542-8122 - Professional Engineer Design Certification (PE CDS)
- 542-8157 - Petition for a Flood Plain Determination or Declaratory Order
- 542-1420 - Minimum Separation Distances for Confinements
- 542-1428 - Permit Required: Construction Permit Application
- 542-8043 - Master Matrix
- NA - Stormwater Plan
- 542-1415 - Storm Water Permit - Notice of Intent for NPDES Coverage Under General Permit - No.2
- 542-8115 - Storm Water Permit - Notice of Discontinuation of a Storm Water Discharge - No.2
- 542-3106 - Water Use Permit Application
- 542-3234 - Flood Plain Permit Application
- 542-0627 - Construction Certification for Confinements
- 542-1428 - Manure Storage Indemnity & Filing Fee with Construction Permit Fee
(incorporated into permit application)
Open Feedlot Forms
List items for AFO Open Feedlot Forms
- 542-2021 - Nutrient Management Plan (NMP)
- 542-2021 - Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) - Doc
- 542-2021 - Nutrient Management Plan Worksheet (NMP)
- 542-1553 - Public Notice for NMPs
- 542-1427 - Construction Permit Application - Open Feedlot
- NA - Table 7 - Minimum Separation Distances for Open Feedlots and Stockpiles
- NA - Stormwater Plan
- 542-1415 - Storm Water Permit - Notice of Intent for NPDES Coverage Under General Permit - No.2
- 542-8115 - Storm Water Permit - Notice of Discontinuation of a Storm Water Discharge - No.2
- 542-3106 - Water Use Permit Application
- 542-3234 - Flood Plain Permit Application
- 542-1254 - Annual NPDES Permit Fee Invoice
(not required until after you receive a NPDES permit; DNR will mail form when it is due)
NPDES Permits
List items for AFO NPDES Permits
- 542-4001 - Individual NPDES Permit Application for Beef and Dairy Open Feedlots, Including Cow Yards, Confinements and Combined CAFO Operations
- 542-0190 - Compliance Steps for Combined CAFOs
- 542-1551 - NPDES Open Feedlot Quarterly Report
- 542-1552 - NPDES Annual Report
- 542-2021 - Nutrient Management Plan (NMP)
- 542-2021 - Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) - Doc
- 542-2021 Nutrient Management Plan Worksheet (NMP)
- 542-1251 - Application Fee Invoice for a Permit Application. Required to be Submitted With All NPDES Permit Applications.
- 542-1254 - Annual NPDES Permit Fee Invoice
(not required until after you receive a NPDES permit; DNR will mail form when it is due)
Livestock Truckwash Forms
List items for AFO Livestock Truck Wash Forms
List items for AFO Fees Forms
- 542-4021 - Manure Storage Indemnity & Filing Fee. (Required only with construction, expansion or modification of an operation that does not need a construction permit
- 542-4026 - Manure Storage Indemnity & Filing Fee for Ownership Transfer (required only for operations changing ownership)
- 542-1428 - Manure Storage Indemnity & Filing Fee with Construction Permit Fee (incorporated into permit application)
- 542-8064 - Annual Compliance Fee (Required only with an annual updated manure management plan)
- 542-1251 - Application fee invoice for a permit application. Required to be submitted with all NPDES permit applications.
- 542-1254 - Annual NPDES Permit Fee Invoice (not required until after you receive an NPDES permit; DNR will mail form when it is due)
Other Forms
List items for Other AFO Forms
- 542-0020 - Animals to Animal Units Conversion
- 542-4022 - Business Form for Commercial Manure Services
- 542-4023 - Commercial Manure Services - Employee Substitution and Termination Form
- 542-8046 - Verification of County Receipt used with annual MMP updates and for confinements that do not need a permit
- 542-1428 - Verification of County Receipt with a Construction Permit
- 542-0020 - Animal Unit Capacity Calculation Worksheet
- 542-0163 - Petition for Well Variance on new Construction
- NA - Stormwater Plan
- 542-3106 - Water Use Permit Application
- 542-3234 - Flood Plain Permit Application
- 542-0111 - Waiver Request
- 542-0640 - Pollution Control Tax Exemption
- 542-8123 - For DNR Use: Construction Observation – Formed Manure Storage Structure
- 542-8119 - For DNR Use: AFO Facility Inspection Checklist
- 542-8120 - For DNR Use: Manure Management Plan Compliance Review - Sales of Manure
- 542-8161 - For DNR Use: Contact Information Form - MMP Compliance Appointment Review Protocol
- 542-0138 - For DNR Use: Manure Management Plan Administrative Review Checklist
- 542-2022 - For DNR Use: Nutrient Management Plan Compliance Review – Nonsales of Manure
- 542-0139 - For DNR Use: Nutrient Management Plan Administrative Review Checklist
- 542-0310 - For DNR Use: AFO Regulatory Status, To be determined after a desktop assessment.