Animal Truck Wash Facilities

An “Animal Truck Wash Facility” is an operation that only washes single-unit trucks, truck-tractors, semi-trailers or trailers used for the transportation of livestock. If the truck wash facility owner owns or manages other truck washes or animal feeding operation(s) that are located within 1250 feet, please contact the local DNR Field Office as these operations may be considered one facility. Truck washes that do not meet the definition of a small animal truck wash facility as listed below, must submit a Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) for review to your local DNR field office  prior to land application of wastewater or solids.

Facilities washing other types of trucks or farm equipment, in addition to livestock trailers, are not eligible to be considered an AFO truck wash. These operations must obtain a wastewater operation permit to land apply. Find instructions to apply for this program on our NPDES Wastewater Permitting section page.

List items for Animal Truck Wash Facilities