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Sovereign Lands Construction Permits

This permit program is governed by 571 Iowa Administrative Code chapter 13 which was revised effective May 1, 2024.

These rules are applicable to all fee title lands and waters, dedicated lands and waters under the jurisdiction of the commission and managed by the commission for public access to a meandered sovereign lake or meandered sovereign river; meandered sovereign lakes; meandered sovereign rivers; and sovereign islands; except those portions of the Iowa River and the Mississippi River where title has been conveyed to charter cities.

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Permit Requirements

Any construction on, above, or under state-owned lands and/or waters must secure a sovereign lands construction permit from the Department in advance of work.

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State-owned lands and waters under the jurisdiction of the commission include:

  • Meandered Sovereign Lakes
  • Meandered Sovereign Rivers
  • State Forests
  • Wildlife Management Areas
  • State Parks
  • State Preserves


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How to Apply

You can apply for a Sovereign Lands permit by going to the new Flood Plain and Sovereign Lands PERMT site and answering a few questions. This application form not only covers the Sovereign Lands permit, but it also covers Flood Plain Approval

  • Once you click the “Submit” button the application will be submitted to both the Iowa DNR Flood Plain Review Section and the Sovereign Lands Permit and Environmental Review Program. 
  • After you submit your application you’ll be able to login and track where it’s at in the process and all final documents will be emailed to you when they are available. PERMT does not submit your Flood Plain & Sovereign Lands Permit Application to the US Army Corps of Engineers (US ACE), Rock Island or Omaha Districts. 
  • Permit applications to US ACE can use their Regulatory Request System (RRS) on line application system.  You are responsible for submitting and obtaining any US ACE required permits prior to construction. 
  • The Iowa DNR will send out one response for both the Iowa DNR Flood Plain and Sovereign Lands programs.
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PERMT (Permit & Environmental Review Management Tool)

Iowa DNR PERMT website with 24/7 access for your Iowa DNR Flood Plain and Sovereign Lands Permits, Environmental Review Requests, BFE Requests, AFO Determinations, and related work.

Sovereign Land Permits


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