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Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) Summary
This video summarizes the Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) that became effective April 1, 2016. The new rule is designed to increase the protection of public health by reducing the potential pathways for bacteria to get into a drinking water system.
Briefly, the new rule eliminated the Non-Acute maximum contaminant level (MCL) violation and replaced it with the requirement to perform a Level 1 or 2 Assessment. These assessments are checklists that require you (or DNR staff in the case for Level 2 Assessments) to look over your water system and attempt to find and correct any issues that be allowing bacteria to enter the system. Thus, the RTCR has been deemed the "find and fix" rule. The new rule also has added requirements for all seasonal supplies. They are now required to collect a bacteria sample every month they are providing water to the public. In addition, prior to opening each season they must perform a start-up procedure, which is similar to the checklist required for Level 1 Assessments.
- Revised Total Coliform Rule: A Quick Reference Guide
Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) Level 1 Assessments and Start-up Procedures
This video discusses the start-up procedures for seasonal supplies and Level 1 Assessments, which are new requirements of the Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) that became effective April 1, 2016. The start-up procedures and Level 1 Assessments are both checklists that walk you through your water system and attempt to aid you in finding any issues that could be allowing contaminants to enter your system.
The video first takes a detailed look at the start-up procedures checklist form and then goes into depth on the Level 1 Assessment checklist form. Please note the start-up procedures are required of all seasonal supplies and must be completed prior to opening each season. Level 1 Assessments are triggered when a public water supply has confirmed bacterial contamination in the water system.
Bacterial Sample Collection Procedure
This video covers proper bacterial sample collection procedures for drinking water, including where and where not to collect these types of samples. In addition, the importance of monitoring your water for bacteria is discussed. Monitoring is really the only way to ensure the water you are serving to the public is safe to drink.
Chlorine Sample Collection Procedure
This video covers chlorine residual measurements and the required minimum chlorine levels. Chlorine is used to oxidize iron and as a disinfectant. In this video, we discuss chlorine as a disinfectant. The minimum chlorine levels are 0.3 mg/L free chlorine or 1.5 mg/L total chlorine. The level depends on whether you are using free chlorine or chloramines as the disinfectant.
Disinfection is used to kill harmful bacteria and viruses. Disinfection is one of many ways or barriers to keep water safe.