

Iowa's citizens, local governments, business and industry have proactively worked together to protect Iowa's environment by reducing waste, recycling, manufacturing recycled goods and buying recycled-content products. 

This cooperative effort has built an impressive recycling industry that creates and retains higher wage jobs and businesses.

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Local Recycling Programs

Contact your local landfill or transfer station

To find specific information on a local recycling program, zoom in on the map or use the search tool to find an address, city or county.

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Recycling Resources

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#IAmARecycler Campaign

The Iowa DNR has developed a variety of resources that solid waste agencies, cities, counties and more may use to not only promote recycling but to promote recycling correctly to residents, customers and communities.

The #IAmARecycler Campaign Resources include printable and digital resources that can be customized to your organization by adding your logo and website.


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