Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST)

The Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) team oversees assessment and clean up releases from petroleum underground storage tanks.

LUST Site Assessment 

The documents linked to this page all relate to the assessment of sites where leaking underground storage tanks (LUST) are or have been located. The process of assessment uses risk-based corrective action (RBCA). The objective of RBCA is to evaluate the risks posed by contamination to human health, safety and the environment using a progressively more site-specific, three-tiered approach. All proposed corrective actions must be submitted and supervised by a certified groundwater professional.

Corrective Action Design Report (CADR) Guidance

List items for LUST Site Assessment

Helpful Links

Certified Labs & Analytical Methods - Analyses performed to provide data to be submitted to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) must be accomplished through laboratories certified for the parameters being measured.

Document Search - The Iowa DNR UST Section is a part of a department-wide Electronic Records Project, working to index and digitize all records related to LUST and UST facilities, and to make them available to the public online. This search interface allows easy searches by a variety of data such as program, city, county, or facility name. If you cannot find records for a LUST or UST site property, please contact the DNR Records Center. Search field tips: Program = LUST or UST, Facility ID = Registration #, Program ID = LUST #.

Landfarming - DNR program for the safe and effective remediation and disposal of petroleum contaminated soil (PCS).

Listing of Approved City and County Private Well Ordinances

List of State-Owned Lakes to Waters of the State

Environmental Covenants & Institutional Controls