
Water Quality Certifications

Laboratories reporting environmental compliance data to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR)  must be certified. The purpose of a certification program is to ensure that environmental analytical compliance data generated for the DNR are scientifically valid and defensible, and are of known and acceptable precision and accuracy. 

The DNR is the certifying authority for the program. The DNR contracts with the State Hygienic Laboratory (SHL) at the University of Iowa to provide technical assistance and auditing services for the DNR Laboratory Certification Program. SHL is Iowa’s Environmental and Public Health Laboratory and serves as the state primacy laboratory under the Safe Drinking Water Act.

The DNR offers a two-year certification for environmental laboratories in the following areas: 

  • Clean Water Act (Wastewater, nonpotable water)
  • Safe Drinking Water Act
  • Municipal Biosolids
  • Solid Waste (SW)
  • Contaminated Sites (CS)
  • Underground Storage Tanks (UST)

Note: The RCRA program for Iowa is administered by EPA Region 7. However, SW-846 Methods are offered in the Solid Waste & Contaminated Sites Programs. 

Certification in Iowa is a based upon the major analytical groups within each environmental program. When certified, the laboratory is certified for a specific analyte/method pair. The program also provides the opportunity to become certified for a specific analyte group across multiple environmental programs. For example, a lab may acquire certification for IOCs within the wastewater, drinking water and contaminated sites programs at a reduced fee. A complete application and fee must be received before an on-site audit will be conducted. Reciprocal certification may be granted to out of state  laboratories for environmental analysis provided they meet the same criteria as resident laboratories.

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LabCert Web Application

Laboratory Certification, image showing three beakers with fluid on a blue background.
Laboratory Certification

Search for information on certified laboratories:


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Certification Manual

Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Environmental Samples for DNR:

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Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

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How do I get my water tested?

List items for How do I get my water tested?

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Program Contact Information

Program Contacts
Kathleen Lee
Senior Environmental Specialist             
Phone: 515-725-0343
FAX: 515-725-8202
Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Attn Laboratory Certification
6200 Park Ave Ste 200
Des Moines, IA 50321-1371
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