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Doe Hunter Registry (Connecting Farmers with Hunters)
Healthy deer herd management requires doe harvest. Together we strive for a balance between recreational and viewing opportunities, ecological impacts, and the possible damages of white-tailed deer such as agricultural depredation or vehicle collisions. Hunting is the tool for deer population management specifically through antlerless deer harvest. The Doe Hunter Registry is a list of hunters that have expressed an interest in helping farmers and landowners meet their deer harvest goals.
If you are an ethical hunter that is willing to do your part and harvest more does please follow the link below to sign up for the Doe Hunter Registry.
If you are a farmer that wants to increase doe harvest on your farm please follow the link below to get connected with hunters that can help. You can either register specifically as a farmer to be contacted or simply view the hunters that have signed up.
Remember—Private landowners retain the right to refuse access to property. Signing up for the Doe Hunter Registry does not guarantee access or hunting opportunity. It is the landowners responsibility to initiate contact. Please respect private property rights, be responsible advocates for hunting in the field, and report all deer harvest!. Register online: https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/2a7deaa8b5de459184389b203c87d98c
Help Us Stop Hunger (HUSH)
HUSH is a cooperative effort among Iowa deer hunters, the Food Bank of Iowa, meat processors and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. HUSH has two main goals:
- Help reduce the Iowa deer population
- Provide high-quality protein to needy Iowa citizens.
Thank you to all of the hunters who donated deer to the HUSH program during the 2023-2024 hunting season. 3,022 deer were donated, generating nearly 530,000 meals to Iowa's less fortunate!
HUSH Lockers
Hunters must be properly licensed to hunt deer. All deer licenses include a $1 per deer surcharge to fund the HUSH program. Participating lockers skin, bone and grind the meat into two-pound packages of pure venison. Local social service agencies distribute the venison to needy Iowa families in the area. The 35 lockers that participated received $95 for each processed deer. Find a locker near you:
Food Banks
The Iowa DNR partners with the Food Bank of Iowa and their affiliates throughout the state to make sure the venison is distributed to qualified Iowans. The Food Bank of Iowa receives $5 administrative cost for each deer distributed.
- All deer hunters must have a deer permit to harvest deer, whether or not they donate the deer to HUSH. Donated deer must be tagged before being transported, just as any other harvested deer.
- Any legally-taken, wild Iowa deer from any season and any sex may be donated at any one of the lockers shown on the HUSH Locker List map.
- Hunters must donate the whole deer.
- Deer must be field dressed; lockers prefer a clean carcass without mud on the hide.
- Lockers also prefer the carcass not be frozen.
- Deer hunters must fill out a Hunter HUSH Card at the locker for each deer being donated.
- HUSH does not accept road killed deer.
- Lockers cannot require hunters to skin or bone HUSH deer.
- There is no additional fee to be paid at the locker.
If you have any questions, please email Stephanie.Lawrence@dnr.iowa.gov or call (515) 631-0234. Additional Information:
Back to topIowa's Deer Exchange Program
The Iowa Deer Exchange Program is a free online database where deer hunters willing to provide venison can connect with Iowans who want venison.
Hunters and those wanting to receive venison enter their contact information to the database and provide their location on a map. The location information will help you to connect with other program participants in your area.
Recipients choose the condition they want the meat when they register – boned out, field dressed, quartered, frozen, jerky /sausage or any, and in what amount. They also set the length of time their offer is open and may opt out at any time by contacting the Iowa DNR.
Once connected, the parties work out the details of the transfer. Donors are responsible for reporting the harvest and encouraged to properly care for the deer from the field to the recipient.
It is illegal to sell venison in Iowa.
For assistance with a previously submitted registration, please email deerexchange@dnr.iowa.gov
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