“Securing a Future for Fish and Wildlife: A Conservation Legacy for Iowans”
First approved in 2006, the Iowa Wildlife Action Plan (IWAP) is a 25-year strategy for conservation of all wildlife in Iowa. The IWAP is a proactive plan designed to conserve all wildlife in Iowa before they become rare and more costly to protect.
Developed by a coalition of scientists, sportsmen and women, conservationists, and members of the public, this plan can help us protect wildlife and the places they live for future generations. If the steps in the action plan are successfully carried out, Iowa will have cleaner water and air - a healthy environment for people and wildlife.
The 2015 comprehensive review and revision to the Plan has now been completed and approved, and is available for download.
The glacial history and topography of each landform affect the type and distribution of current wildlife habitats and agricultural land use.
The Loess Hills (Tallgrass Prairie) is a unique landform that formed at the end of the last Ice Age about 18,000 years ago. The formation is only one to fifteen miles wide but is about 200 miles long extending from near Sioux City, Iowa to St. Joseph, Missouri. Although deposits of windblown soils (loess) are found in many parts of the world, nowhere else but in China do they reach as high as in Iowa where some of the hills are more than 200 feet above the adjacent Missouri River valley.
The Loess Hills landform has other features that are easily noticed. Bedrock is exposed naturally in only a few places and the soil has unique physical properties. If the topsoil on the slope of a hill is removed, the exposed loess will erode quickly and deep gullies will form. Even when covered with topsoil, loess can slump, often in a unified way across a slope creating “cat-step” ledges along the sides of hills. However, when a loess hill is cut vertically the exposed wall will stand for decades.
The Des Moines Lobe (Prairie Potholes) has a landscape that is gently rolling with abundant moraines, shallow wetland basins or potholes, and a few relatively deep natural lakes. This landform still retains the imprints of recent glacial occupation. Loess is entirely absent. The most prominent landform patterns left by the Wisconsin glacier on the Des Moines Lobe are the end moraines.
The Des Moines Lobe is part of the Prairie Pothole Region that extends north and west into western Minnesota, eastern North and South Dakota, and the Canadian Prairie Provinces. Most of the potholes have been drained with ditching and underground tile lines to make way for agriculture. Agriculture was also responsible for greatly increasing the rate at which streams and drainage patterns developed in this geologically young landform.
The Southern Iowa Drift Plain (Tallgrass Prairie) is the largest of Iowa’s landforms. Like the Des Moines Lobe, it is composed almost entirely of glacial drift, but the Pre-Illinoisan glaciers that deposited material in this part of Iowa were much older. As a result, deep glacial drift, ranging from a few to several hundred meters, is the only evidence of their occupation. Instead of poorly drained and relatively level landscapes, streams have had time to erode the land surface and form well-defined drainage systems. Hilltops have similar elevations that reveal the approximate level of the land surface constructed by the last ice sheet. As erosion slowly dissected this landscape, a layer of loess ranging from 2 to 10 meters was deposited over the glacial till.
Throughout the Southern Iowa Drift Plain the terrain varies considerably, but the pattern of relief resulting from its history of erosion is the dominant feature of the region. Many of the larger rivers had glaciers standing in their headwaters at the time the Des Moines Lobe was ice-covered. These valleys obtained much of their present width, depth, and alluvial fill from flooding as the Wisconsin ice sheet melted away from north central Iowa. In many places the rivers have cut through the glacial drift into the underlying sedimentary bedrock. The rough wooded terrain adjoining these valleys supports many scenic and recreational areas and important wildlife habitat.
The Iowan Surface (Eastern Tallgrass Prairie) landform extends over a large region of northeastern Iowa and is characterized by long, gently rolling slopes, low relief, and open views of the horizon. Pre-settlement vegetation in this region was primarily prairie with heavily wooded floodplains along the larger watercourses. Drainage networks are well developed, but stream gradients are low with some scattered areas of poor drainage and natural wetlands.
The area was once part of the Pre-Illinoisan Southern Iowa Drift Plain but experienced large-scale and more destructive erosion events, the latest occurring during the coldest part of the Wisconsin glaciation 16,500 to 21,000 years ago. Frost action, down slope movement of water-soaked soil materials, and strong winds were the dominant geologic processes in this region. Layers of loess are thin and scattered. Glacial boulders are numerous and many are very large. Elongated ridges and isolated oblong hills called pahas occur in the southern part of the Iowa Surface region. These features are covered with a mantle of silt and sand believed to have accumulated in response to strong northwesterly winds that occurred during the period of glacial cold. Soils mapped on the larger pahas indicate they developed under forest vegetation rather than prairie. Karst topography occurs in the northern part of the landform where cavities in the underlying limestone bedrock collapsed and formed sinkholes. Fens are also present but more scattered than in the Des Moines Lobe.
The Northwest Iowa Plain (Eastern Tallgrass Prairie) contains many of the terrain features and geologic materials present in other landforms and is similar in appearance to the Iowa Surface with a uniform low relief. This landform was and still is a relatively treeless, gently rolling landscape. Despite these similarities, the landscape differs from other regions because of a combination of factors. The western uplands of this region are underlain with highly eroded, Pre-Illinoisan glacial tills. The eastern part of these tills is covered with later glacial deposits from an early Wisconsin glacial advance. The entire region was then subjected to vigorous erosion activity that accompanied the later advance of the Wisconsin ice sheet. As a result, features of a freshly glaciated landscape were lost as a well-established branching network of streams formed over the entire region.
The deeper thickness of the loess mantle, the overall elevation of the land surface, and the present precipitation and vegetation distinguish the Northwest Iowa Plains from the state’s other landforms. Windblown loess is abundant and nearly continuous across the region ranging in thickness from 4 to 16 feet. Altitudes throughout the Northwest Iowa Plains are uniformly higher than any other portion of the state and topographically are continuous with the High Plains of the Dakotas. Average annual precipitation is lower than other parts of the state. Thus, the region is higher, drier and less timbered than any other in the state. Although bedrock exposures are rare in the Northwest Iowa Plains, the oldest bedrock in Iowa (Precambrian-age Sioux Quartzite) occurs here along the Big Sioux River.
The Paleozoic Plateau (Prairie to Hardwood Transition) is the most distinctive of Iowa’s landforms because of its abundant rock outcroppings, karst topography, a near absence of glacial deposits, many deep narrow valleys, cool-water streams, and heavily wooded uplands. Numerous gorges and ravines cause abrupt local changes in the direction of slopes and exposures. These sites provide abundant cool, moist and wooded habitats rich in diverse communities of plants and animals. Seeps and springs are common features along valley sides where strata of varying permeability are exposed and signify subterranean drainage systems. Ice caves and cold-air (algific) slopes are unique to this area. Unusual microclimates associated with these features support a particularly rare and sensitive biological habitat in Iowa.
The steep rocky slopes are unsuited for agriculture and remain heavily forested. Remnant prairies occur on south and west facing slopes. Ecologists believe these prairies were more extensive before the suppression of naturally occurring fires following European settlement.
Alluvial Plains, often called floodplains, are constructed by water flowing off of the landscape and carrying with it boulders, cobbles, gravel, sand, silt, and clay. This process of erosion creates a dendritic-shaped landform of nearly level corridors with varying widths depending on the size and reach of the river. These corridors are largest along the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers but can be found along streams throughout the other landforms. The floodplain is a dynamic landform that is frequently disturbed, sometimes drastically, by flood and drought events. Stream channels may be cut off leaving backwater sloughs or oxbow lakes. Large-scale vertical changes may also occur within the floodplain due to the deposition of alluvium that forms terraces and benches. These structures are level but are elevated above existing floodplains by a distinct slope.
Smaller tributaries that enter the floodplain of a larger river often form alluvial fans that may cover older floodplain materials. During low flow periods, wind becomes an important factor in the transport of materials. Exposed sand or soil having little or no vegetation to hold it place can be blown onto floodplain and terraces as well as onto higher elevations along valley margins. Sand dune topography occurs downwind of valley floors.
>60% canopy of tree species with crowns interlocking
Wet - Forest/Woodland
Temporarily or seasonally flooded forest or woodland
Open stands of tree species with 25-60% canopy cover
Wetland Habitats
Wet Shrubland
Temporarily, seasonally, and semi-permanently flooded wetlands or saturated deciduous shrubland
Herbaceous Wetlands
Temporarily, seasonally, semi-permanently, permanently flooded or saturated herbaceous wetlands
Grassland Habitats
Warm Season Herbaceous Vegetation
<25% canopy cover made up of trees or shrub species. Herbs form at least 25% of canopy cover
Temperate grassland with sparse coniferous or cold-deciduous tree layer
Agricultural Lands
Cool Season Grassland
Cool season grassland (smooth brome, forage crops, and pasture)
Worked land normally on an annual basis in corn, soybeans, sorghum, fallow fields or other crops.
Aquatic Habitat Classes Used in the IWAP
Aquatic Habitat
Large flowing bodies of water, normally with permanent flow and draining over 100 square miles.
Smaller flowing bodies of water, normally permanent, that serve as tributaries to rivers and drain less than 100 square miles.
Even smaller flowing stretches, often intermittent and ephemeral, that flow into streams.
On-stream Impoundment
Slowly flowing bodies of water formed from artificial damming of a river, creek or stream, generally less than 500 acres in size and having a watershed to lake ratio >200:1.
Slow flowing bodies of water associated with larger river systems. Back-channel low-lying areas filled with water during high flow events but may be completely isolated from the river during low flow and may exhibit no flow during these periods. They are especially prevalent on the Mississippi River.
A sub-class of backwaters, they are water bodies formed in old river channels that are now cut off from the main channel and flow of a river.
Large bodies of water exhibiting little or no flow with emergent vegetation over less than 25% of the surface area. They may be either natural or constructed.
Shallow Lake
Open freshwater systems where maximum depth is less than 10 feet. Normally in a permanent open water state due to the altered hydrology of watersheds and unmanaged outlet structures that maintain artificially high water levels. May be fringed by a border of emergent vegetation in water depths less than 6 feet. When clear, they are dominated by emergent and submergent vegetation.
Smaller standing bodies of water, often exhibiting large swings in dissolved oxygen and water temperatures and generally less than 10 acres in size.
To establish a focus for future wildlife conservation activities, the Advisory Committee to the Iowa Wildlife Action Plan - a group of fish and wildlife professionals, educators, researchers, private conservation organizations, concerned citizens and representatives of the agricultural community - developed a vision for the status of Iowa's wildlife in 25 years. The vision statement has six elements that include benefits to fish and wildlife, the citizens who enjoy and support them, and the private landowners who must embrace them if the vision is to be realized. With each vision element the Advisory Committee developed specific conservation actions that need to be implemented to reach the Plan's goals in a 25-year framework.
These vision elements and conservation actions are not specifically designed to be implemented by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. They are designed to provide a broad framework of actions that can be undertaken by conservationists at all levels of government, by private conservation organizations and by private citizens. Extensive coordination will be necessary between these stakeholders to make the vision a reality.
A Vision for Iowa's Wildlife. By 2030 Iowa will have viable wildlife populations that are compatible with modern landscapes and human social tolerance.
A Vision for Wildlife Habitats. By 2030 Iowa will have healthy ecosystems that incorporate diverse, native habitats capable of sustaining viable wildlife populations.
A Vision for Wildlife Management. Diverse wildlife communities will be developed on public and private lands and waters through the use of adaptive ecological management principles.
A Vision for Wildlife-Associated Recreation. More Iowans will participate in wildlife-associated recreation, and all Iowans will have access to publicly owned recreation areas to enjoy wildlife in its many forms.
A Vision for Wildlife Education. Iowans will respect wildlife for its many values and they will advocate effectively for conservation of wildlife and wildlife habitats.
A Vision to Fund Wildlife Conservation. Stable, permanent funding will be dedicated to the management of wildlife at a level adequate to achieve the visions of this plan.