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Iowa's Wildlife Action Plan

“Securing a Future for Fish and Wildlife: A Conservation Legacy for Iowans”

First approved in 2006, the Iowa Wildlife Action Plan (IWAP) is a 25-year strategy for conservation of all wildlife in Iowa. The IWAP is a proactive plan designed to conserve all wildlife in Iowa before they become rare and more costly to protect.

Developed by a coalition of scientists, sportsmen and women, conservationists, and members of the public, this plan can help us protect wildlife and the places they live for future generations. If the steps in the action plan are successfully carried out, Iowa will have cleaner water and air - a healthy environment for people and wildlife.

The 2015 comprehensive review and revision to the Plan has now been completed and approved, and is available for download.

If you have a slower connection, or only need to download a particular section, please select item(s) for download from the following list:

If you have any questions about the IWAP, please contact Katy Fullin, Wildlife Action Plan Manager at: 

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Landform Regions of Iowa

List items for Landform Regions of Iowa

The glacial history and topography of each landform affect the type and distribution of current wildlife habitats and agricultural land use.

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Habitat Types

List items for Habitat Types

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A Vision for the Future

To establish a focus for future wildlife conservation activities, the Advisory Committee to the Iowa Wildlife Action Plan - a group of fish and wildlife professionals, educators, researchers, private conservation organizations, concerned citizens and representatives of the agricultural community - developed a vision for the status of Iowa's wildlife in 25 years. The vision statement has six elements that include benefits to fish and wildlife, the citizens who enjoy and support them, and the private landowners who must embrace them if the vision is to be realized. With each vision element the Advisory Committee developed specific conservation actions that need to be implemented to reach the Plan's goals in a 25-year framework.

These vision elements and conservation actions are not specifically designed to be implemented by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. They are designed to provide a broad framework of actions that can be undertaken by conservationists at all levels of government, by private conservation organizations and by private citizens. Extensive coordination will be necessary between these stakeholders to make the vision a reality.

  • A Vision for Iowa's Wildlife. By 2030 Iowa will have viable wildlife populations that are compatible with modern landscapes and human social tolerance.
  • A Vision for Wildlife Habitats. By 2030 Iowa will have healthy ecosystems that incorporate diverse, native habitats capable of sustaining viable wildlife populations.
  • A Vision for Wildlife Management. Diverse wildlife communities will be developed on public and private lands and waters through the use of adaptive ecological management principles.
  • A Vision for Wildlife-Associated Recreation. More Iowans will participate in wildlife-associated recreation, and all Iowans will have access to publicly owned recreation areas to enjoy wildlife in its many forms.
  • A Vision for Wildlife Education. Iowans will respect wildlife for its many values and they will advocate effectively for conservation of wildlife and wildlife habitats.
  • A Vision to Fund Wildlife Conservation. Stable, permanent funding will be dedicated to the management of wildlife at a level adequate to achieve the visions of this plan.
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