The State Revolving Fund Program has chosen eight projects to receive loan forgiveness from the 2022 Clean Water SRF (CWSRF) Base Program and 2022 CWSRF Bipartisan Infrastructure Law General Supplemental Funds. The CWSRF Program funds wastewater treatment, sewer rehabilitation, and storm water quality improvements, as well as nonpoint source projects.

The awarded projects are the second and final round of projects to receive loan forgiveness  from the Fiscal Year 2022 CWSRF Base and BIL General Supplemental Funds. The awarded projects were required to be one of the five priority project types, required to meet the SRF Program’s Disadvantaged Community definition, and were considered based on readiness to proceed on a first-come, first-served basis. All of the awarded projects have executed a loan with the SRF Program. 

In total, the eight projects have been awarded $7,380,400 in loan forgiveness. Waterloo and Traer will receive loan forgiveness from the CWSRF Base Program, with Waterloo receiving a maximum of 80% loan forgiveness of the final amount drawn on their loan and Traer receiving a maximum of 60%.

The remaining 6 projects will receive their loan forgiveness from the CWSRF BIL General Supplemental Funds with the final Wastewater Reclamation Authority (WRA) project listed below receiving the balance of loan forgiveness funds available from both funding sources. These awards are all capped at $1 million.

In order of most disadvantaged to least, and in priority project ranking order, the projects are:

SRF BorrowerSRF Project #Executed Loan Amount

Max Loan Forgiveness %


(cap of $1 million)

Funding Source
WaterlooCS1920811 04  $1,068,00080%CWSRF Base
TraerCS1920999 01  $877,00060%CWSRF Base
JeffersonCS1921005 01  $19,750,000cap of $1 millionCWSRF BIL GS
AckleyCS1920863 02  $3,760,000cap of $1 millionCWSRF BIL GS
VictorCS1921029 01  $1,932,000cap of $1 millionCWSRF BIL GS
WRACS1920955 01  $26,400,000cap of $1 millionCWSRF BIL GS
WRACS1920934 02  $11,000,000cap of $1 millionCWSRF BIL GS
WRACS1921033 01  $3,600,000cap of $1 millionCWSRF Base & BIL GS

The full Intended Use Plan, which includes the SRF Program’s loan forgiveness selection criteria and more information on how the SRF Program defines Disadvantaged Communities, can be found at