BOONE, Iowa – 2024 will mark the 100th anniversary of the dedication of Ledges State Park. Iowa DNR staff and members of Friends of the Ledges will host a 100th anniversary kick-off event on Dec. 21, at the Boone City Hall Auditorium, 923 8th Street, in Boone. Doors open at 6 p.m., with a short presentation at 6:30. The event is free to attend.

The event will be highlighted by a program on how Ledges became one of Iowa’s first state parks; as well as information and displays on events, projects, and changes coming to Ledges in 2024. Friends of the Ledges members will present details on how to get involved in the year-long celebration, as well as the creation of an endowment fund to help preserve the resources of the park into the next century.

“Everybody loves the Ledges, and there’s a great story on how it came to be one of Iowa’s first state parks. It’s a story that continues to this day through the efforts of our volunteers and staff,” said Andy Bartlett, Ledges State Park manager.