DNR Air Quality Bureau staff will present in-person State & Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS) training sessions for minor sources on Wednesday, April 5 in Des Moines. Two half-day sessions are available. The 2022 air emissions inventory is due for all minor source facilities in Field Offices 2 & 5 (see map here: Environmental Field Offices), and all portable plants by May 15, 2023. 

This is the first year that minor source facilities are required to submit the minor source air emissions inventory using SLEIS or standardized online spreadsheets as approved by DNR. A FAQ document with more detailed information on required electronic submittals is available on the eAirServices site under SLEIS - "Useful Resources".

Sign up for the training by visiting eAirServices and scrolling down to and clicking on the "Training" tab for SLEIS. To view the online training videos visit eAirServices, then scroll down and click on the "Useful Resources" tab for SLEIS and click on the "SLEIS Tutorials" link.