JEFFERSON - The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is investigating a stormwater drainage ditch containing dark colored water near the North Raccoon River in Jefferson in Greene County.

On March 26 at 7:50 p.m, the DNR Field Office in Atlantic was notified of dark colored water observed in a stormwater ditch in Daubendiek Park on the southwest side of Jefferson. The stormwater ditch drains to the North Raccoon River. 

DNR field staff responded to the incident, and upon arrival observed multiple pockets of discolored water in the ditch. Water samples were collected and delivered to the State Hygienic Laboratory for further analysis. Officials are investigating the source of the discolored water, but do not believe any reached the North Raccoon River. No dead fish were observed in the area.

Cleanup efforts have begun. City staff constructed a berm in the stormwater ditch, which currently has low flow, to prevent contamination from reaching the North Raccoon River. Residents are advised to avoid contact with water in the drainage ditch at this time.

The DNR appreciates the public awareness of the situation and the quick response from Public Works staff and the Greene County Sheriff’s Office. If anyone has any information on the incident, please contact Kristi Burg at (712) 340-3076.

To report a release after hours, please call the DNR’s emergency spill line at (515) 725-8694. Quick reporting can help DNR staff identify the cause of an incident. The DNR website has more information about spill reporting requirements.