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Licenses & Fees

Any resident or nonresident born after January 1, 1972, must have completed an approved hunter education program in Iowa or another state to buy a hunting license. If your hunter education certification is not on your customer record, you need to show proof of hunter education when purchasing your license at a local vendor to complete the order.

List items for Hunting Licenses and Fees


Get Your Hunting License Online

Any resident or nonresident born after January 1, 1972 must complete the required hunter education program in Iowa to buy your hunting license. Then, buy and renew your license online.

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Applications for Veterans, Disabled Iowans, and Senior Citizens

Information on how to apply for hunting and fishing licenses for Iowa's veterans, disabled citizens, and seniors over age 65. For further information, please contact the DNR Customer Service Center at 515-725-8200.

Residents-Only Applications

List items for Licensing Applications for Resident Veterans, Disabled, and Seniors

Resident or Nonresident Applications

List items for Resident or Nonresident Hunting Applications

Plan Your Hunting Trip

Interactive Hunting Atlas

Our interactive hunting atlas was made to make it easier for you to find areas open to public hunting. View the atlas and plan your next Iowa hunting trip!


Motor Vehicle Use in Game Management Areas, Parks & Preserves

The DNR no longer requires a permit that allows for the use of a motor vehicle on game management areas, state parks or preserves.  For persons who have a disability which makes it impossible to ambulate without the use of a motor vehicle, please work directly with DNR staff who are assigned to the game management area, state park or preserve.  

DNR staff will work with individuals to develop an access plan for each desired area.  Individuals must keep the access plan with them when using the area.

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Requirements for Hunting Licensed Preserves in Iowa

All hunters hunting licensed hunting preserves must obtain an Iowa small game hunting license and habitat fee, or obtain the hunting preserve hunting license valid only on licensed preserves, and the habitat fee. Resident Iowa youth under the age of 16 are not required to have a license, but must be accompanied by a licensed adult 18 years of age or older. Non-resident youth under the age of 16 are required to possess a non-resident youth preserve license and habitat fee. The non-resident youth under 16 years of age are not required to have completed a hunter safety/education course.

All preserve game birds and game animals harvested on the licensed preserve must be properly tagged with transportation/kill tags as required by law. Hunting preserve operators are responsible for tagging the harvested game bird or animal before it is transported from the licensed preserve.

TIP Line

Turn In Poachers

Poachers are thieves who are stealing our fish and wildlife resources. Help us keep them out of business. If you see poaching, call 1-800-532-2020. 

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Dog Trials

The Iowa DNR is required to authorize a club or individual to hold an organized dog trial (e.g. bird dog, retriever, coon dog, fox hound) within the state, regardless of whether the event is held on public or private ground.

At least 30 days before the scheduled date of the dog trial, an application must be filed with the DNR using the Special Events web-based application found at

For more information, contact your local conservation officer, wildlife management biologist, or the Special Events Program Manager for Dog Trials or call 641-357-3517.

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Establishing Residency in Iowa

Are you now permanently living in Iowa? Were the last licenses or tags you purchased in the state of Iowa nonresident tags? 

(for former nonresidents)

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Other Professional Licenses

List items for Other Professional Licenses

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