Iowa's Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) offers loan funding to assist in financing design and construction of publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities, sewer rehabilitation, stormwater quality improvements, and nonpoint source water quality improvements. The CWSRF program is jointly administered by Iowa DNR and the Iowa Finance Authority. The Iowa DNR oversees the following aspects of the CWSRF program:

  • Development of the CWSRF Intended Use Plan (IUP)
  • Review of facility plans, bidding documents and issuance of wastewater construction permits (required for CWSRF funding)
  • Environmental reviews
  • Determination of eligible project costs
  • Final inspection of constructed improvements

The Iowa Finance Authority reviews financial information and executes planning and design loans (off-site) and CWSRF construction loans. The Wastewater Construction Permitting Process Manual includes instructions for participating in the CWSRF program. 

Only projects which are listed on an approved Intended Use Plan (IUP) are eligible for SRF loan funding. An IUP application must be submitted to request inclusion on the CWSRF IUP. The IUP application may be submitted with or after submittal of a facility plan.

Applicable Iowa DNR rules for the CWSRF Program are located in Chapters 567 IAC 90, 567 IAC 91, and 567 IAC 92 of the Iowa Administrative Code. The rule chapters are linked below.