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Silvers-Smith Woods State Preserve is a 20-acre woodland located two miles north of Adel in Dallas County. It was given to The Nature Conservancy in 1976 by Richard and Betty Smith and Cleece and Renee Silvers.
The woodland was dedicated as a biological state preserve in 1980. Situated along the North Raccoon River, the preserve contains upland and floodplain forest.
Back to topAbout the Land
The uplands surrounding the preserve are part of the Bemis end moÂraine of the Des Moines Lobe landform region, Iowa’s most recently glaciated landscape (12,000 to 14,000 years ago).
Steep slopes in the preserve are dominated by black maple, basswood, and red oak. The slope community blends into upland ridge tops that are dominated by white oak, red oak, and shagbark hickory. Ironwood is abundant in the understory, with some serviceberry on the ridges and slopes.
The floodplain is dominated by:
- Black walnut
- Cottonwood
- Silver maple
- American
- Red elm
- Hackberry
- Box elder
- Honey locust
- Bitternut hickory
Willows dominate the floodplain on the south side of the river.
Back to topDirections
Access to preserve is across private land.
Back to topPlants
Over 180 species of plants are found here. Beginning to bloom in April throughout the forest are:
- Spring beauty
- Hairy blue violet
- Dutchman’s breeches
- Woodland sedge
- Downy yellow violet
Toothwort and white trout-lily are commonly found in the floodplain throughout the spring as well. By May, blooms of Virginia waterleaf cover the bottomland floor, and Solomon’s seal is found on the steeper slope.
Summer-blooming flowers include:
- Purple joe-pye-weed
- Starry campion
- Orange touchme-not
In the fall, the upland ridge tops and slopes are graced by:
- Elm-leaved goldenrod
- American bellflower
- Zigzag goldenrod
- Blue wood aster
The woodland wildflowers are mingled with rattlesnake fern, northern maidenhair fern, fragile fern, and blunt-lobed woodsia.
Back to topVisitor Information
Hunting is not permitted.
Back to top303 Locust St.
Suite 402
Des Moines, IA 50309