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Merritt Forest is a 20-acre “virgin” old-growth forest. It is located four miles south of Guttenberg in Clayton County. Several trees over 300 years old are scattered throughout the preserve.
The area was given to the Iowa Conservation Commission in 1968 by Gertrude Merritt and was dedicated in 1969 as a biological state preserve.
This preserve is unstaffed satellite of Yellow River State Forest.
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Within the Paleozoic Plateau landform region, the preserve is located on a gentle, north-facing slope near the head of a large forested valley.
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- From Guttenberg, take Highway 52 south 6 miles to Noble Road.
- Turn west (right) and follow Noble Road for 2.5 miles to the preserve on the north side of the road (sign: Merritt Forest State Preserve).
The forest in the preserve is dominated by:
- White oak
- Red oak
- Sugar maple
- Basswood
In the understory:
- Blue beech
- Ironwood
- Witch hazel
- Alternate-leaved dogwood
- and Leatherwood
A total of nearly 200 plant species can be found in the preserve.
Blooming of the spring flora begins in March with bloodroot, spring beauty, and hepatica.
April and May continue with:
- Woodland sedge
- Bishop’s cap
- Downy yellow violet
- Blue cohosh
- Toothwort
- Wood anemone
- White trout-lily
- Bellwort
- Nodding trillium
- Swamp buttercup
The white-ribbed leaves of numerous puttyroot orchids are conspicuous on the forest floor.
Also in the woodland are:
- Maidenhair fern
- Walking fern
- Northern lady fern
- Bulblet bladder fern
- Goldie’s fern
- Dissected grape fern
- Rattlesnake fern
- Interrupted fern
Birds & Species
Over forty species of birds have been observed at the preserve, including:
- Cooper’s hawk
- Wood duck
- Turkey
- Pileated woodpecker
- Tufted titmouse
- Veery
- Wood thrush
- Warbling vireo
- Red-eyed vireo
- American redstart
- Canada warbler
- Scarlet tanager
- Black-billed cuckoo
- Acadian flycatcher
- Least flycatcher
Visitor Information
Hunting is not permitted.
Other natural areas in the vicinity include Turkey River Mounds and White Pine Hollow State Preserves.
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